May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Brilliant! And so helpful. Thanks for laying these things all out in order so we can see the connections. And once you see it, you can't unsee it.

I'd go one step farther and encourage people to invest in physical Bibles, paper and ink. Online resources for Bible study are great, but they could easily be electronically corrupted, or turned off entirely.

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Such a great idea! I have many different translations in physical copy and I couldn’t recommend this enough. Thank you for the excellent advice.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

As always. Great to hear your words of wisdom. I myself have tried to stay away from msm. I'm not on FB, twitter-X, or any platform. I do glance at You Tube, but mainly to watch some good Pastors and get information on who's lying now ( if that makes sense ) I like to try and be in the know ( as best as I can ) discernment is huge and I'm thankful that is a spiritual gift. You Tube has pretty much ghosted me, so I know the powers that be don't like what I'm sharing. Especially ( in my whole hearted opinion ) that the millions who think Trump is the savior are decieved. I tend to give them truths ( as best I can) but I always get steam rolled. It's all good though. If I'm not being attacked, then perhaps I'd be on the wrong road. I've said this many times. Christianity is attacked more than any other religion because satan won't attack what he already owns.

As you mentioned, the " light-white swan movement " I believe we are already seeing glimpses of it. I'm not falling for it. Like you said, scripture keeps us focused as well as prayer. Hope you are doing well. God is using you in a huge way. I love sharing your truths. Though sometimes people think I'm nutts. Lol. I'll take it. We know what side we are on. It's not white or black hats. It's Jesus. The Way, The Truth, and The Life....

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Thank you! I’m sorry YouTube has ghosted you too but you’re right that ‘they’ don’t like what you’re sharing! I’m glad you’re on guard against the deceptions and able to identify them and help others see it too. I agree with you and I pray you know you’re not ‘nuts’. It can be tough being the one who doesn’t follow the mainstream narratives but please keep it up! God will strengthen and protect us. Just as you said, we know what side we’re on!! God bless.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

As they say — if you're not on somebody's list by now, you're probably not doing it right.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

I gotta say..., I love the way you break this stuff down. If you ever questioned what your calling was don't... You have a great gift and i'm sure you back that with hard work and diligence. Probablyalexandra has challenged me and helped me understand what God's word says about these current events unfolding everyday.

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Your kind words mean more than you know, and I am genuinely grateful for your encouragement!! It is an absolute privilege to be able to bring these articles and videos to you. Knowing that my work has helped you is truly a blessing! Thank you for being a part of this community, and may we all continue to grow in faith and understanding together! God bless.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

"Ye shall known them by their fruits".

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

So grateful for this work. It's helped to clarify so much of what's going on in this world. I'm trying to grasp the election debacle. It seems they've always steared them away from what the ppl really want. Do you believe DT won the last election? This duopoly is truly 2 sides of the same wicked face. So even if there is tampering, what difference will it make? Come Lord Jesus.

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Thank you! I agree with Richard about the elections. But there is a ton of evidence that says DT did win, and he even said he would call this term his “third” if he was elected! Yes please come Lord Jesus!

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Trump was in on the steal of the 2020 election. He is part of the swamp. He will lead the push to the "light side" which is the beast system. EVERYTHING is a push to the beast system! A ton of people who have podcasts or blogs who give 'the truth' are still a part of the light side pushing to the right. Just because even someone like you who shows the truth 95% of the time can still be a part of the beast system. This is what so many don't understand. anyone who does not try to show EGI and how all our politicians are inverts and part of the 'club' are part of the deception. I continue to listen to people and you but with discernment not truly knowing who they serve.

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I’ve dedicated my time and research to exposing the light side to show how there are not “two sides”, just two sides of the same coin. All Luciferian. I hope that’s been very clear in my work!

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

you are a great researcher and I appreciate that but the luciferians need to be called out for being inverts, so that they wont follow T to the beast system. He is false light!! call them out so many Christians won't be deceived and follow him!

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Thank you. I have lots of content calling out Trump and his pied piper ways! If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Reality, thats a great one to get started! https://youtu.be/ja6Ht7RV66w?si=QlUJcnJJprSnSQfm

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Using discernment when listening to / watching / reading other people is certainly very important. At some point, however, you should be able to sufficiently discern a person's alliance and allegiances. You've been engaging Alexandra's material for a long time. I don't see how you could still question what "side" she is on.

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EGI ???

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

I don't listen much to MSM. Nor subscribe to much Social media. I ran across you by divine design. What you present agrees with my spirit. But most importantly with the Word of God. Where is the evidence that DT won the election?

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Check out the Devolution series by Patel Patriot.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Whether he won or lost is largely irrelevant — interesting, but less significant than most think. Personally, I don't believe any US election has been legitimate, at least not for the past 50 - 100 years.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

I agree. How could they be? A legit election means the candidates have the people's interests at heart rather than those of the elite. Like I said... Come Lord Jesus!

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you Alexandra! Blessings upon blessings for our sure foundation and hope in Jesus the Word, the Truth & Life, our anchor for the days ahead. Keep oil in our lamps, ready in season and out for the work to be done in love. Praying for the Holy Spirits inner strengthening and guidance. Stay the course. Also blessings from the comments that answered questions I had as I read through them. Equip and armor in prayer.

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May the hope and strength found in Jesus, our steadfast anchor, continue to guide us through the days ahead!! May the Holy Spirit strengthens and directs us in all our ways! May God bless us all as we equip ourselves with prayer and armor, staying the course together.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov is credited saying, “The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

Can the so-called elites "annihilate truth" while at the same time revealing it (or some of it) in a "white swan" event? I can't quite wrap my head around that one, but certainly they will continue trying to confuse us to the point where we don't know which way is up.

In the meantime, maybe I'll take Don Jr's advice: no matter what happens (even "good" news), ignore it. Or take with a large grain of salt.

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Great point. And yes, they certainly can. Look at what happened with Pizzagate. They disclose the truth but either confuse the issue so much or ridicule those who look into it so no one knows what to believe anymore. If they can’t hide the truth, they can confuse those who hear it. As for the light side, they give some truth but attribute it to the wrong places or force people into false conclusions. They annihilate truth by making it subjective rather than objective through confusion. I think we’re in for a very difficult information war coming our way. The chess quote fits perfectly.

That’s why it’s important to stay in Scripture and really start to memorize verses and know the Word intimately so you can’t be confused or deceived.

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May 23Liked by Probablyalexandra

if they can cast doubt on everything to where no one believes anything then they can cast doubt about the bible and ultimately claim its been corrupted and boom in comes Terrance Howard and Joe Rogan trying to give Christianity a face lift steeped those old ancient mystery religions like you say

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👏👏👏 absolutely. We’re watching history and truth being rewritten in real time! 😭

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Blessings, Alexandra, and thank you again for being a true light in this darkness and reminding me to stay in God's truth so I will not be deceived.

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I’m humbled to be able to share my research! May Jesus continue to guide you and protect you in all ways. Let’s all continue to draw nearer and nearer to Him.

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Good job Alexandra, once again. Your discernment and advice are so appreciated. The coming LWO is just satan’s strategy to minimize push back. But he has pushed himself to the point of no return. He has moved himself onto the final battlefield where God is waiting. Your readers are missing a great opportunity if they have not yet become paid subscribers; better yet, founding members!

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"The coming LWO is just satan’s strategy to minimize push back." This is so perfectly said! I'll remember that!

And thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I'm incredibly grateful to the Lord for folks like you who appreciate my work and this community. God bless!

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Agree with all of the commentary from you and your subscribers below! The more I've learned, the more I think 2020 may have set the stage for 2024. They liked the amount of control they had over the world's population and what they have in store for us next could be even bigger. I personally think another pandemic is a false flag. I personally think they are going to fashion an EMP, which will cut people off from each other and make us shelter in place (is this time for the fake 'alien invasion' from project Bluebeam?). That and / or multiple accelerated or inflated storms and fires, that will reduce travel and stop the spreading of the truth. I could go further suggesting cranked up 5g towers acting on the shot components they gave millions during the 'pandemic' prior, but their plans are always a bit of a surprise compared to how we think they will go. I think they know whom the next President will be and will manipulate vote totals accordingly, in order to fulfill their plans and agenda. So, yes, I think they are THAT sinister and evil.

As for me, I will keep my faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He knows what they are planning and he will afford his church protection if we continue to put our trust and faith in Him. Everyone seeing your post should read Psalm 91, which starts, "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'". Then it lists a number of troubles he will protect us from, including, "...verses 5&6...You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday...". God bless you and yours, your brother in Christ, -Dan

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Wonderfully said! I agree. It would be a false flag for something much bigger. I’ve heard talk of EMPs, 5G warfare, travel shut downs etc. so as you said, let’s continue to stay close to God and pray for discernment but have no fear. Psalm 91 is one of my very favorites. Excellent Psalm to pray on!

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May 21Liked by Probablyalexandra

Nothing new under the sun,I thank you for putting it all together for me when you see it in its totality it is as bright as the noonday say,thank you and may our GOOD LORD continue to keep and bless and guide you.

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I’m blessed to be able to share! Thank you. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you, my friend!

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May 24Liked by Probablyalexandra

Isnt it a leap year every 4th year? 🤔 either way, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have paused my instagram account and I don’t use any social media at all. I can’t say that I have stopped forever, I’m taking it one day at the time. For me, it was an addiction. It felt filthy after a scroll frenzy even though I only followed wholesome accounts. God bless you!

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I love that you recognized that it wasn’t good for you and have taken a step back. The amount of time that can be wasted is so sad considering God only gives us so much time here and we are to be good stewards of it. I’m so thankful you’re doing the work to have a healthier balance in life and detox from the dopamine of social media! God bless and protect you.

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Alexandra, it is incredible to be able for you to share your thoughts in a concise manner, even amidst the chaos that we are in with the current PSYOP war.

Even while the virus is not real the real virus is the "Elite". The 2020-2024 comparisons is an indicator of "Patterns" and we should be mindful that is how Psychological Warfare works in that the "Narrative" is precisely directed and orchestrated. Black Swan vs. White Swan is a specific point and evident, I would recommend reviewing a tool the PSYOP is using known as the "Black Swan", original concept of not good vs. evil but the unpredictability(surprise) of the unknown.

Finally, for the Biblical Truths, we don't have to chase into the desert of deception to see the next great event or strategy of the "Elite". They bring it directly out where they desire. The role models are "distractions" from other narratives or directives at work. We are definitely in the disinformation storm in that we have to be aligned with the "Armor Of God", to be able to defend against the disinformation storm that is brewing.

Love your work! Always makes my day to get your next notification. Blessings.

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Thank you! Excellent insight. I love how you called it "the disinformation storm". Armor up folks, God will help us fight this battle that He's already won as long as we stay on the Narrow path! God bless and protect you.

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May 22Liked by Probablyalexandra

As always. Thank you so much for this post . It's nourishment the we need that keeps us in the truth.

God Bless

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All glory to Jesus Christ! 🙏

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May 22Liked by Probablyalexandra

Mercy and Grace upon you! Without the true prophet, the office of the prophet, the "Air Force", the eyes of discernment and revelatory gift, working with 24/7 prayer and intercession communities, the "church age" is over. Let the Word do the work, let Love Win all of the time, let prayer and praise lead, let all that we say do and think glorify Father and others, (James)

We have rebelled against a Holy Creator Father by not being true priests unto Him; a real priesthood as Paul and the Old testament describe. Father knows how weak we are as humans and completely understands the effect of 6,000 years of evil so He won't hold it against us by His Blood. Only Believe. Love your neighborhood as yourself, but we can't without His love reining in us. "Peace I leave with you..."

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Probablyalexandra

Hi Alex😇❤️

As we having the general election on the the 4th July ( I think?) in the UK. Mexico have just had theirs, South Africa, India, no? The US in November.

A bit all too strange as to why all these elections in 24', and also this seems to line up with you article?

Any thoughts, Alex or anyone?

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It's certainly interesting that so many countries have major elections in 2024, including the UK, Mexico, South Africa, India, and the US. This seems to be a historic year for elections worldwide, making it pretty telltale of bigger things to come in the shift of world powers. These (s)elections do have significant implications for human rights, the economy, and international relations, as you mentioned. It's important to stay informed and watch it all with a birds eye view as things continue to change worldwide.

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Jun 4Liked by Probablyalexandra


Hi Alex❤️ thanks,

I thought I'd send this over to you furthering what I was saying about PIP & the Tories treatment of the disabled & the working class. ( Oh yes, I forgot 'Ian Duncan Smith!!)

This comedy came out in the late 80's depicting the conservatives played by the late hillerious 'Rick mayall' who portrays the Torie backbencher 'Alan B'stard ( hence the surname?) in the political satire 'The New Statesman'

I think a lot of the comedians @ that time were Lefties, ' Dawn French, 'Lenny Henry,' 'Rick Mayall' 'Adrian Edmundson,' etc, who were against Thatcherite Britain ( Margret Thatcher)

At the end, is showing the 'metaphorical' treatment of the disabled at the hands of the 'Conservatives!'

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

Saying that Alex, I've decided to vote for Labour. Yes, I know I might be embroiled in the dialectics game & going along with the 'nobs' @ the top of the food chain controlling the reds, & the blues, what have you.

But when you have a Torie (Conservative) like 'Ian Duncan smith,' the architect of the new benefit system 'Universal Credit' & who may be the one behind the PIP disaster, in which the ' former caused suicides as told me by a constable) & the latter, not trusting GP's, Physicians so much so the gov has their own.

They don't trust the above or us, Alex, but they want us to 'TRUST THEM!!!'

Sounds a bit like the scene in the book of Genesis "Ye shall be like unto God's!!"

One cannot help, no matter the correctness of them being under the occult, dialectics what have you, but to vote these.......ummmm.......Aliens 👾👽👽👽 out of 10 Downing street!!!!

Or should I have stated.....Satans?👹👹👹👹

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