Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you again Alexandra.. So well done. You are the only substack I support and it's probably not even enough to show my gratitude. Time does seem to be speeding up and so all the more important to shine the light of Biblical truth on every preconceived idea we have been conditioned with in America. I'm re-watching all of the "inconvenient" series since I'm always finding or hearing things I missed the first time through. God bless you and protect you in the name of Jesus.

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Time is definitely speeding up. I've felt that constantly my whole life, but especially in these past few years. Then again, perhaps it's just me getting older, which also seems to keep happening when I'm not paying attention.

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Your kind words and support mean so much, and I'm truly grateful for your encouragement. I agree that it’s always a great time to analyze things and seek constant deeper connection with Jesus and His Word. Thank you for revisiting my Inconvenient series! May God bless and protect you as well!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Alexandra… in 2020, just before the world stopped, I joined a very old Masonic Lodge, just outside Philadelphia.

My step-father (Mom’s husband) got me in and I was learning the rituals, handshakes, and more… and I got to the 2nd Degree.

And at this point, I still knew nothing about the Masons, Albert Pike, the famous Masons… it was just “neat”, so far.

At my 3rd meeting, my step-father left, crossed the street and was hit by two cars and was instantly killed.

He was also a 32rd degree Mason, and I feel awful that he never knew the truth.

Everything immediately changed. I had to take care of my mom, the funeral, the family, everything… and the c-ovid stupidity just started.

And after a few weeks I had a LOT of time, and I started researching the Masons, Albert Pike and his Lucifer connection, the rituals and more.

Also, the Lodge was calling me about when I’m coming back, and to learn about the 3rd Degree.

So, when my mentor called me on Zoom, I asked him about Albert Pike and his connection with Lucifer. I showed the portion of Pike’s book where he basically wrote that the Masons follow him.

He basically just looked at me, tried to explain it, but he had nothing to say. I was done with the Masons.

I burned the stuff and turned away from it all. I never finished my mentorship.

But I started learning about it. It never ends, it seems. Soooo much information!

The funny thing is, because I’m a Christian — I *knew* something was “off” with the Masons. While it was somewhat “interesting”, there was something telling me that it’s not for me.

Soon, after all of that, I found your channel, and I know that we’re blessed that you’re on our side, Alexandra.

Keep on going and teaching… and, I’ll be learning, teaching, and praying, too. 🙏🤓

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Thank you Jesus for delivering you out of the enemies hands!!! I'm sad to hear that your step-father didn't know the truth when he left, but as you experienced yourself, as a Christian you just 'knew' in your Spirit something was very off. I pray to encourage you and help you on this journey, but what. powerful testimony you ave. Thank you for sharing. And I pray protection and strength over you as you continue to aid others in leaning the truth of Jesus Christ and turning from the world. Prayers for you!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Wow! Excellent exposé on yet another aspect of our hidden (in plain sight) history. I was always suspicious about the Fourth of July. For example, why did both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die on July 4, exaclty 50 years after 1776? Also, I definitely have a strong feeling that something "historic" will happen in the latter half of this year. Not sure exactly what though. It's such a relief to remember that we are not of this world, if we are Jesus's disciples. We are strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Our home is in heaven, where our life is hid with Christ in God.

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So well said! And fascinating connections you pointed out, as always! It definitely feels like something is afoot and let's all stay strong in our faith and ready to take any argument or deception against God and cast it down to help others as well not be deceived. I know the Lord will use us in powerful ways soon! We truly are strangers and pilgrims on earth and this world is not our home. Stay strong and encouraged!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you Alexandra---On July 4th I will be 64 years old. Thats my Birthday.

God Bless you.

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May God bless you with more years and may He protect us and strengthen us through it all!

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

Happy Birthday John,🎂🍺🎇

As I mentioned in the comments about the origins of Independence day & all that, I don't think there's anything wrong with it in its self. After all, at least the American constitution has "We the People!" Yey!😀

And this is coming from an English guy!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

I can never get enough of you Alexandra. Someone like you are so rare. I'm so happy that I found you nearly 5 years ago now.

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Wow! I'm humbled you've been around for 5 years. Thank you so much for supporting my work by watching, sharing, and supporting me here on Substack. It means more than you know. God bless you and yours.

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

I have just done some checking and I joined you on telegram in September 2022. I was following you for a while before I joined. Best thing I ever did. You really helped to wake me up Alexandra. I was in a deep sleep before you. I love listening and watching you sing the song 'Down Town' too. The original was by 'Petula Clark'. She is British like myself. My Mother used to play this often when I was knee high to a grasshopper. Fond memories. ❤️

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All glory to our awesome Father! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your testimony and I pray Jesus Christ use you for His glory always. I’m happy to be able to relate back to your fond memories as well! Many blessings to you and yours.

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Alexandra, I have learned so much from you over the past 3 years. God bless you always, and thank you for all of your hard work 🙏

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Thank you! I’m grateful for your support making my research possible. God bless and keep you!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

Alexandra, do you have an opinion about "Satan's Little Season" eschatology (Revelation 20)? Many believe the millenium is behind us and that Satan was loosed to decieve the nations, possibly in 1776. Many occultic phenomenon at that time: US independence, French Revolution, Illuminati, etc. This seems to explain all the deception around us.

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Thank you! As the theory has become very popular suddenly I've been researching it. I'm still gathering information to form an opinion. In my view, the ongoing deception and moral decline we witness worldwide are indicators that we are indeed in a tumultuous period prophesied in Revelation which encourages vigilance, spiritual discernment, and steadfast faith.

The Little Season theory is a form Preterism, which was formulated by Jesuits such as Luis de Alcazar to rebut the popular theories at the time of the Catholic Church being "the antichrist". However, early church fathers believed firmly in the Lord’s return at some future date and in the establishment of a millennial rule of Christ on earth such as Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Irenaeus. Many prophecies in the Bible, particularly those in Revelation and Daniel, have elements that do not align neatly with historical events of the first century either.

There's a lot to this topic, but let's all just keep vigilant and seek understanding from the Lord! I know He will make it clear where we are in history, and in the meantime let's just focus on Him and helping reach as many for Him as we can regardless of the time we have left here.

Ultimately, while eschatological interpretations can vary, I believe it is crucial to stay grounded in scripture and remain watchful of the signs around us. Thank you again!

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I have thoughts on this. What I write here is just my belief. It's based on my sincere study of scripture, and some research (I'm not as good as Alexandra of course!), and the Holy Spirit urges me to put it down here for what it may be worth, perhaps to help further others' research, that maybe others can build on what some receive. There is so much we don't know, most likely many additional books of the Bible fiercely hidden from us, so much we won't know and can't know in this age, and that doesn't change our faith. But so much science is simply fabricated. So much history must also be fabricated, especially on the subject of things that would have been absolutely the highest priority for the Luciferians to hide, particularly in the last almost-one-thousand years. I am well aware of the abundance of disinformation out there, deceptions, easily doctored photographs and videos. But when information follows the unpopular themes of the Old Testament and New Testament, and suffers attempts to be silenced and discredited, and the Holy Spirit urges, I take notice. But again, grain of salt. All that preface said...

The millennial reign of Christ, the Kingdom of the King of Kings, already happened on earth. It ran from about 70 AD to 1070 AD. Part of Revelations, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus's own words, and Enoch all prophesize it. Revelations prophesizes the millennial reign of Christ and the subsequent loosing of Satan directly, and also the aftermath, and then also the final coming of Jesus with fire (the eschatology). Of course, Jesus's reign in heaven is forever, which is all that matters. But all of these earthly events are in Revelations, and it goes through all of it more or less twice, so that leaves possibility for misunderstanding, honest or deliberate, within man's institutions and studies. (And they frequently try to misuse it to forecast a coming Golden Age on earth, or to say Jesus is never returning. Both lies.) 1070 AD to 2070 AD then is the season following Christ's reign, or "6th Week" per Enoch, the week of man, where Satan is loosed to deceive the nations. It chronologically started with the Knights Templar being the first official organization created specifically for the 6th week and with the purpose of deceiving the nations. Their work was really cut out for them in the 1100s, starting with the initial war against the remnants of the Kingdom. Somehow, through Gadreel's knowledge, massive coastal flooding was engineered to take place in Europe, along with a massive culling of mostly unknown vector, but which would later be recorded historically as the Bubonic plague. The plague, or whatever it was, flowed first from the flooded coastal regions, and later further inland, until millions of Christ's people were murdered.

This also means that recorded history is especially fabricated on the subject of the reign and extent of the Roman Empire. The worship of this fabricated great Roman Empire by accepted history, along with the GrecoRoman "classical" architecture, philosophy and use of Latin all over Luciferian power institutions, is nothing but a form of attempted revenge and insult against Jesus. Some of the Roman Empire post-100 AD may have existed, like Constantine and his urge to conquer, but it would've been vastly overshadowed and kept in check by the Kingdom, and with the devil chained in the pit, until 1070 AD. And the singularly beautiful and impossibly complex architecture of the Kingdom of the King of Kings (perhaps featuring free energy, pipe organs resonating frequencies in harmony with our bodies, living water vibrating "alive" in harmony with our bodies, and corresponding food completely based in living water like nothing we could ever imagine) was all later covered up, and medieval times in general are now depicted as filthy and ignorant times, loaded with fabricated accounts of evil kings and churches, and branded as "the Dark Ages," all as an insult to Jesus. Hard-to-find documentation from Luciferian military leaders and engineers during the 1300s through the 1700s shows evidence of the tedious transformation of structures, along with extensive re-landscaping all over Europe, to hide the works of the amazing and largely unknown civilization that existed in the first millennium AD. The most critical aspect of the Luciferian architectural transformation process involved a technique of early cement casting called "pseudomasonry." They'd wreck parts of an important building a little at a time and then cast cement replacements in the newer style. This method was used to transform buildings from the Kingdom's architecture to Norman, then to Gothic (adding demons and gargoyles), then to Victorian or Classical. It's no surprise then that they later used the name of this meaningful process, representing deception through transformation, to birth the name "Freemasonry."

Records of the King of Kings and His disciples, performing miraculous deeds, and traveling to the black mountain of iron (Tree of Life remnants) at the true north pole, were all later destroyed and, with the greatest insult the Luciferians could come up with, repurposed into becoming the c.500 AD Arthurian legends, with dragon worship, pagan sorcery and other insulting embellishments gleefully added in. There was a strange unexplained tendency of using Arthurian themes in the study of Jesus's life that stuck around into the early 1900s.

The true Kingdom may have stretched to some extent to North America, and as far east as India. If so, it's possible the Civil War could have been used to destroy a lot of structures, and the c.1900s world's fairs may have been final areas they held off on destroying so they could show them off, make money, and pretend the beauty was theirs. A final insult before razing everything. In any case, there would've been so much to hide, either via transformation or straight demolition. It's entirely possible even World War 1 and 2 were used to destroy leftover structures in Europe.

My scriptural references (paraphrasing):

And the Lord shall give him the throne of David, and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever. Luke 1:32-33

The re-generation when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory. Matthew 19:28

People standing here right now will still be living when the Kingdom comes. Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27

Now the devil is cast out. John 12:31

My servants do not need to fight the Jews presently. Yes, I'm a King. John 18:36

The devil is cast into the pit and bound for a thousand years, then I saw thrones for those beheaded for witness of Jesus, and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years, this is the First Resurrection, and when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed and go out to deceive the nations. Revelations 20:3-8

The woman clothed with the sun and who stands on the moon (she represents an entire Kingdom, similar to how the whore of Babylon represents an entire kingdom or civilization; clothed with sun and stands on moon means civilization completely in sync with God's earth energies and timepiece), who appears after the temple of God is opened in heaven (happened in 70 AD in the sky above Jerusalem according to multiple witness accounts), whose remnant the dragon later makes war with (approx 1100-1300 AD, via flooding and plague). Revelations 12

In the days of these kings (I believe to mean the Romans) shall God set up a kingdom. The stone was cut out of the mountain without hands (describes the impossibly complex masonry of the architecture of the Kingdom), and broke all the other kingdoms. Daniel 2:44-45

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him. Daniel 7:14

The government shall be on his shoulder. Upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it. Isaiah 9:6-7

Prophecy of the Lord of the sheep who brought justice, erected a throne, brought a new house of glory large and broad and full, and there was not one among them that did not see, and all their generations became white bulls. Enoch 90:18-38

In the fifth week, at its close, the house of glory and dominion shall be built forever. In the sixth week, all shall be blinded, godlessly forsake wisdom, man shall ascend, the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed. Enoch 93:7-8 [I believe the pronoun "a" was deceitfully added in the translation right before "man shall ascend" to try to make this sound like the time of the birth of Jesus, instead of the time Satan is loosed.]

Again, grain of salt. I only put down what I received over the last few years, that I don't really have anywhere else to share. Maybe others can take of it what might be helpful for their own studies.

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Jul 3Liked by Probablyalexandra

Posts like this are why I subscribed. Great insights about both the invisible and things in plain sight.

The Sirius connection brings to mind Robert Temple's 1998 book, The Sirius Mystery, in which he argues that ancient civilizations had advanced knowledge of the Sirius star system that no one back then could have possessed without modern technology. His theory was that aliens gave that knowledge to the Egyptians, Sumerians, and others. But maybe he didn't go deep enough into what Sirius really represents.

Your brief mention of the Hopi also brought me back to the 1990s (my youthful decade of "exploration"), during which I once sat in the same room with the Hopi spiritual leader at the time (Thomas Banyanca) as well as a group of shamans from the Q'ero nation in the high Andes. Their worldviews were utterly foreign to me, but nevertheless seemed well-intended, not part of some great deception. As I try to grow in Christianity, I struggle with where such peaceful, humble, and poor people fit in the narrative of this great struggle between light and false light. Hopi prophecy, for one thing, has been pretty darned accurate. As indigenous cultures continue to vanish, I still wonder what is vanishing with them.

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Thank you for sharing. I also wonder what's vanishing with these cultures. I agree that ancient civilizations absolutely had advanced technology, and as you said, Temple could have delved deeper to find that aliens are just demons/nephilim spirits. Some asian cultures believe in things called Nagas which are again, just demons under other names, and these forms of demons will tell a few truths and a few lies so no one knows which is which. I feel like this is similar to the 'prophecies' of various cultures and occultists - they simply have handed down knowledge from the fallen that may come close to the truth (always without the truth of Jesus Christ though, so ultimately wholly false).

May you be blessed on your journey and guided in discernment and protection! God bless!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Probablyalexandra

Hi John K,

About Hopi prophecy or prophecies, I might have to look into that one? Don't quote on this, I think it the Hopi's that prophecies the 'world wide web' by stating that the earth will be covered in a Spider's web? And as for advanced Technology in the ancient times, yes, I think so as one episode of 'Ancient Alien's ( I know AA is a bit off beam, but still?) had Noah having embryos, DNA 🧬 or something like of all the animals kept in containers aboard the Ark as apparently top people in their fields state ,its impossible having all the animal 2 by 2 on board?

But judging by the movie 'Noah' with Russell Crowe, Noah & family had the animals sedated or put to sleep by using some ingredient like incense?

I could believe the part about the embryos though.🤔

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

Unrelated but related - I went to sedona for the first time since being saved. I had gone a few times before when I was very new age. Crystal, reiki the whole deception. It was so interesting being there bc it's a mecca so to speak for that, but I thought bc it's so beautiful I could still go and enjoy God's creation. I went over full moon bc you van hike at night w no flashlight w the moon so bright, no city/light pollution. There's usually parties, I was ended up coming down before them. Felt weird there.

God worked on me for a long time, but will never forget being on a rabbit hole in 2 cy020 when my logic brain couldn't handle what the world was doing. Was deep in some q trump thing and someone posted your vid like don't fall for it they're playing you too. I watched the cult of kek. Then I watched another video where you spoke on lucifer, light bearer, and how the light side and worshipping basically yourself w "love and light" and it shook me, I knew it was truth, through God's grace. I began asking more questions, had a friend I could ask, she was in calm shock when I started asking about lucifer. I had brushed her off a decade before when she brought up Jesus. Anyways, I guess my recent trio and you mentioning Sirius, my old past, reminded me of where Jesus has brought me, and you're part of that walk! I was saved in Sept 2020 and baptized. I wish new age folk understood the holy spirit, that's what I think I was really craving. I fall shirt every day but am so grateful He saved me. Just wanted to share, and in case this is relatable for anyone reading.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His faithful love endures forever.

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All glory to Jesus Christ!! What a powerful testimony. God is so good. I agree that what so many are seeking is the Holy Spirit. I’m incredibly grateful to hear I was a part of your testimony. Thank you so much for sharing. Prayers of protection and blessings over you my friend!

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you, sister. Ever since God led me to see your video, "An inconvenient history" the whole world has looked different. I spent time searching for meaning and purpose for years (church abuse does wonders for gospel inoculation) in anything BUT Jesus, but He was there when I cried out to Him at my darkest hour. Because of that, I have experience with a lot of different occult philosophies, and when I watched that documentary, you tied everything together. You were right about all of it.

I hope your PT is going well, and you aren't working yourself too hard. God bless you, and your ministry. I'll keep up until it's time to go by the sword, or captivity.

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Your words truly touched my heart, and I'm humbled to have played a small role in your testimony! It's incredible how God works in our lives, even during the darkest moments. It’s wild how we truly can seek truth and comfort or meaning everywhere BUT God but every single direction leads to emptiness. He truly is the living water our souls crave and need. Please know that your support and prayers for my health and research are deeply appreciated. It means the world that you remembered what I go through! May God continue to bless and guide you, and may we all remain steadfast in our faith, no matter what challenges may come our way. God bless and keep you always!

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

So mind and heart boggling. But the truth does set you free. This information resonates within my spirit as it makes since and confirms the lies one could sense but could not validate. Thank you and Gods’ grace continue to keep you Alexandra. Kind Regards, Diane

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Thank you. Jesus Christ truly sets us free and I’m eternally grateful to Him for all He’s set us free from. I appreciate your support and prayers! God bless you!

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Jul 2Liked by Probablyalexandra

🔥 as much as I love you exposing it, it burns the feelers off to know that I’ve loved blowing stuff up my entire life… I knew before this dropped that it too must’ve been part of their dirty lil plan. First year that I’ve told everyone I’m not celebrating the founding secret societies 🤷🏻‍♂️!!! It’s gross lady A and I’m not a huge fan of being called as a watchman. I’m sure you can emphasize with that one. I’m glad you were called to be watchman because you have made understand what no one else could. You’re doing great and are in my prayers more than ever

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I truly appreciate your dedication to not celebrating as the world does! I know Jesus is happy when we put aside the things of the world in favor for Him. Recognizing these connections can also allow us to grow in discernment and understanding. Although being a watchman may be challenging, know that the role is vital in sharing what we've learned and all the Lord has taught us with others. I'm grateful to be on this journey alongside you and truly value your continued support and prayers!

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Jul 3Liked by Probablyalexandra

Very kind of you and I am also grateful to be journeying with you as well. It’s an exciting thought for all those elect that are called according to His purpose will be gathered to worship Yah together in glory. No pain, no sorrow, no tears. Like Mordecai said to Esther. Yet who knows if you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.

I was listening to God’s calling Ezequiel to be a watchman, and what was required of him yesterday. Definitely something I’ve taken more seriously than I had ever before

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Jul 6Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you so much for this! I needed this information...I've been increasingly unsettled about July 4th with every year. My husband and I don't personally celebrate any holidays anymore for faith reasons, but I still wanted to understand the background of 4th of July better. This was so helpful!

Also, if you are familiar with Paul Stobbs from Understanding Conspiracy and his research about "The Nephilim Looked Like Clowns", I noticed for the first time this year just how much those super patriotic outfits (people dressed in varying patterns of stars and stripes from head to toe) look a whole lot like clown garb. Just an observation that I have no idea if it's related or not, but something I couldn't help but notice.

God bless!

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Thank you! Im grateful to be able to be useful with my research. I’m with you on the holidays, I don’t celebrate any as well. And as far as clowns go - that’s a brilliant observation. Something always felt off about those ‘costumes’ and I can see that they look very clownish.

Paul is great and has helped a lot of people see how deceptive this world is and why we should stay focused on Jesus Christ!

Many blessings to you!

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra


Hi Alex & everyone 👋❤️

This video is fantastic! This is like a golden apple set in a silver plate! It really points to what General Elections, politicians, religious Clergy, in fact, anybody outside of Christ actually are? You may get it the 1st time you watch it, but I had to watch it several times to really cotton on to it. The below really sums it up.

Voting for the UK elections has now closed from 22:00 BST . Labour are 410 seats, Conservatives are 131 seats. ( Exit poll)

The counting has begun & the winner may be declared at 4:00AM

Although it's stating the above & at times lower to 209 ( Labour) 241 ( Conservatives) Labour may have a landslide win?

Did I vote though? No, I did not! As all parties are the same & on the dialectics chessboard. Yes, each party offers something good, in this case Labour may well make it easier for the sick, elderly & disabled, but they were the ones who started this whole Job search for your benefits & the Tories just capitalised on that ( and made it nigh impossible for may people to do the amount of hours a week for job search, that the above have constituted!)

Talk about one sowing the seeds & the other watering the plants! That's one bird, 2 wings, forever braided. Chessboard, black & white. Together forever!

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Summed up so well! Together forever 😭 until Jesus wipes them out for good!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Probablyalexandra

Hi Alex,

Just had to comment, as I'd probably forget, just seen 'Prince William' on the stand clapping England's equaliser ( goal) Yey!👏🕺but I thought " you and Harry haven't pulled the wool over eyes! 👀 I believe I know what's going on?

It's so true what you stated about the Queen being in the 'know' about the dialectics in you ',An inconvenient History'

All this Harry & Megan nonsense & their Fueds with in the palace?

Am I expected to believe that?🤔


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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Probablyalexandra


About "We The People" on the US constitution, brilliant as it sounds & liberty & all that, but is it really the above though? I just put down as it should be all of us, not just the few, 'the elites' what have you!

But this is Satan's world after all, so what ever he says, goes ( but the Big Boss upstairs can & does work through it for his purposes❤️)

I may be wrong but a lot of Christians have this belief that God does this & God does that in this world, and that 'Christian nations' didn't have Satan ruling them at one time?

Well, no he doesn't! The only two things he's created is Israel ( Biblical Israel) & the body Christ ( those born again & saved, not constitutions)

All this 'the UK & the USA were founded upon Christianity!" No,....no they weren't? Can one honestly say that RC Europe including GB was biblical given the mysticism, works, indulgences, killing a few Muslims in the holy land gains passage to heaven?

The USA? Just because there are bible belts with buildings & clergy that is the same as the RC Church, differing in degrees, does not make it biblical.

Both nations were, first, had counterfeit Church systems ( the Puritans who weren't exactly kosher?) & the UK with the RC, C of E & the rest of 'Romes' daughters, then with Secret societies running the show.

So to cap it all, Satan has the say so in this world.

Anyway, I know it' sounds a bit of an Oxymoron given the above 🤔 😂 but England ⚽🇬🇧 are playing today for a place in the semi-finals?

Come on England!🏆

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

I like the question, Can Satan cast out Satan? I will repeat this every time I see the world acting as if they have the solutions. Many are feigning conversion to Christianity but you can clearly see they only speak of flesh driven solutions. They have no plans on submitting to the authority of Jesus... Thank you for this article with interesting info on Sirius. It reminds us of the separation between true believers and the world. It is like the enmity between Satan, his seed and Jesus and his bride in Gen 3:15.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response and for highlighting the importance of discerning true intentions behind people's actions and words! Couldn’t agree more. It's so vital to recognize that only genuine submission to Jesus can provide lasting solutions to the world's problems. The enmity you mentioned in Genesis 3:15 serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing spiritual battle and the need for true believers to stay vigilant. It also reminds me of Psalm 94 and the struggle between oppressive worldly systems and the promise of our Father alone to bring justice. I appreciate your insights and am grateful for the support. God bless!

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Jul 4Liked by Probablyalexandra

Yes, given what this celebration is & where the origins come from.

But: To Alex & anyone else from the US,

Happy Independence Day, 4th July 🎆 🎇🍗🍖🍻🍺🍷 Have a great day.

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