Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

My faith in humanity has been restored I know the enemy has many allies but I know our LORD has faithful servants also,it gives me joy to know he has such a wise and faithful servant such as you,as always may our GOOD LORD continue to bless and keep you.

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And it makes me happy He has you as well! We can make a difference in the lives of those around us for Jesus and try our best to reach others in these trying times. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement! May God bless and protect you!

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Keep that faith whwre it belongs.. in Christ..NOT man... unless that man is as you say, a servant of the Lord! (opinion alert) ;P

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you for this reminder! That mystery babylon is mixed together with the gospel so brazenly makes me fear for many Christians. The image of the planets aligning coupled with the Lord's prayer actually reminded me of a (relatively) recent development at NASA, where they 'officially' recognized a 13th zodiac constellation: ophiucus 'The serpent bearer'. The earliest mention I can find of it is from 2016, but I thought it might interest you, if you wanted to research it further.

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That is very fascinating and I certainly will look into this. Thank you so much for the information! I appreciate it!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

There is NOTHING to fear if you are truly saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit! Please take ANY "information" from NASA with a grain..or tbl spoon of salt.. ;)

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This sign Serpentarius used to turn up in vids Id come across related to the black cube, IX XI, 3 pillars/transhumanism (hmm look at BidAns logo), AA/SB, programmable matter/black goo, eugenics, philosophers stone etc which honestly I immersed myself into so many rabbit holes over the last 15+ years, that I almost forgotten how it all relates.. but all ties back to fallen angels ultimate coming deception of the false temptation of immortality in the flesh...

As i drew closer to Christ i drew further away from these rabbit holes, but find the info fascinating yet mind cluttering nonetheless! TY for sharing this. For me it just seems that the return of the fallen /fake alien invasion may be imminent..

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Great job Alexandra ! God Bless You , may you be protected in Jesus’ name.

Also, isn’t it interesting the 49ers (Gold Rush) are playing for the superbowl this weekend.

May Jesus Christ protect us all 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thank you! Your prayers are appreciated more than you know. And I think that’s very interesting as well! Talk about symbolism!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

You’re greatly welcome!

And yea - I’m sure it’s no coincidence!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thanks Alexandra! I agree with your perspective that the money changes appear to be good, and could be wolves wearing sheep clothing. I see the people who support this great awakening and I want to run away.

Jesus said, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

Matthew 7:13‭-‬14 NLT


May you keep walking the narrow way and be in the kingdom that is not of this world. I pray peace and blessings to you and protection from the evil ones. I'm thankful Almighty GOD gave you your gift of discernment.

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Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. It’s so painful to see others accept the dangerous false teachings without checking against Scripture and we must pray for them! I feel like it will continue to get more and more difficult to separate truth from crafty lies in the minds of many without discernment. May the Holy Spirit keep us all focused on Jesus Christ and walking down the narrow path, trying to point others to the Way!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

I can't believe all the effort you put into your articles. I had a feeling all last week you were going to post something soon. I look forward to them. Waiting for your documentary you spoke about. Thank You again for all your effort. You did a great job.

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I greatly appreciate it. They’re a labor of love and I am truly blessed to be able to share my research. God has blessed me with an amazing community. I am so excited to share my documentary soon. I hope to have it complete within the next week!

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Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

I have been so anticipating your next documentary… it’s a blessing to opt out of the game… but I feel overwhelmed at times trying to understand the truth from deception… your about the only one I am trusting because you keep fully focused on Jesus… I asked Jesus into my life thru Christian program, encouraged to get involved in local church, thru different paths landed with Calvary Chapel for their going thru the whole Bible… not trying myself to understand, as I don’t always grasp the narratives, with all the deceptions… praying for Gods Holy Spirit & His wisdom in this season… but I feel so far behind…

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I hope the documentary is a blessing to you and will help you in your walk. Ultimately, Jesus is our example and our teacher and the more time you spend with Him in prayer, and in Scripture, the stronger your discernment will become. Keep on praying and asking Him to guide you, and listen to what He tells you or shows you to do. It can feel overwhelming for sure, but take it slow and remember it's not a race. If you know the gospel message and what Christ's sacrifice represents and why John 3:16 is a literal life-changer you're doing great. Everything else will come with time. (1 john 2:25-27)

Don't sell yourself short! God's Word is for everyone and if there's a narrative you don't grasp pray on it! Someone else linked TheBibleProject on Youtube you may be interested to check out! I'm personally not familiar with the channel, but here's a link for anyone else to look into: https://www.youtube.com/@bibleproject

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Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you! Yes, I enjoy the BibleProject & have supported them. They are starting this year with a dive into The Sermon on the Mount series, it’s already off to a good start with new ways and styles of bringing truth to a personal reflection of my heart. I’ve become timid in trusting who to listen to after learning of the propagated deception and hearing pastors support those revealed.

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Feb 13Liked by Probablyalexandra

Reading your comment Im happy how youve turned to God in these times and Im sure prayer for truth landed you here!

Some quick little encouragement advice:

Just read through the NT a few chapters a day regardless if it all makes sense at first. (You can add a chapter of the OT simultaneously too)

Just pray for guidance. Scripture is not meant to be a book that you just read and set down..its a continual journey that gets read and re-read and each time the Spirit reveals more and gives more spiritual understanding.

Also you dont have to "ask" Jesus to come into your life, scripture emphasizes that you TRUST and BELIEVE what He did for you in His sacrifice and then the Holy Spirit will dwell within you through your belief! Jesus is always near everyones life, but hes waiting for that moment when we trust in Him and not in ourselves!

God Bless and apologies if I seemed "assertive".

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Thanks for the update Alexandra. I believe a review of the programming, deprogramming and reprogramming video that you shared is appropriate to use as a reminder that everything socially, economically and spiritually has been up for grabs in the programming. It is interesting that we may go through this reset with the masses keeping their programming intact. Matthew 24:24 comes to mind that many should be deceived, even the elect. Thanks again. John

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I believe this is the video you’re referring to: https://youtu.be/RO9zKtIOk9s?si=hcdQWkbRaKHgcmYx

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment! I couldn’t agree more with how you said everything is up for grabs as far as mind control goes and the massive deceptions being waged against humanity these days. I worry for people caught up in the coming deceptions and worldly things and I pray for him. Matthew 24:24 is so poignant because it looks like the deceptions being used against people now are and will be strongly tailored to ‘Christians’ and the waters are being muddied. Lots of Mysticism masquerading as ‘Christian’ these days. I pray the confusion breaks for those genuinely seeking Jesus and they get out of Mystery Babylon!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

This can be related to the quantum leap:


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Agreed! That’s great info - the Quantum Initiative was Ivanka Trump back in 2019. This is all definitely connected.


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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

That's interesting

At the bottom of the website the amount of agencies involved

I've never seen anything like it.

1 John 2:17

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Wow, you’re right! It sure is fascinating see all these pieces come together.

(Also thank you for the perfect and uplifting verse!)

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

..not to mention the SYMBOLISM of all those agencies, brother.. ;)

Luke 10:18-20

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Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

Exactly! well said brother

Thank you for sharing these verses with me, God bless you!

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Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

*fist bump

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Feb 11Liked by Probablyalexandra

Alexandra, this is a timely article. Thanks for doing all this research. It means so much to me. I wanted to write and say something profound and helpful, but I can't think of anything. :) I would like to ask though if you and others would pray for my son. He's got a virus and bad fever. Seems like everyone we know is sick or has been recently. Thank you for your prayers. May the Lord bless you.

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Thank you! I appreciate you letting us know about your son and also reminding us to be vigilant and do all we can to stay healthy. I’m sorry to hear he’s unwell. I pray that you feel God’s comfort and His healing hand on your son. You and your son are in my prayers.

Though it’s a song from a ‘popular’ artist and I haven’t done any digging into the specifics yet but the lyrics alone I believe could be comforting in this time, as well as for anyone going through a difficult season: https://youtu.be/4VukxLl6HLE?si=3h40w4-zgcHU6-bo

Psalm 46:1

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Feb 13Liked by Probablyalexandra

Nice that the song lays out the guitar chords! kewls

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Feb 12Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you for the prayers! I really appreciate it.

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Feb 13Liked by Probablyalexandra

I'm sorry this happened my friend, count on me with prayers.

God will help your family overcome this sickness.

God bless you!

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Thank you so much!

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Feb 12Liked by Probablyalexandra

Prayers for God to heal your son to get over his illnesses, Richard!

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Feb 12Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you!

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Thank you everyone who prayed for my son. He spent 2 days in the hospital but is home now recovering. It's so nice to have a community who can pray for each other. I know many of us don't have a church home, but we are still part of the Body of Christ. I appreciate you all, and thank the Lord for His healing touch. Blessings to you all.

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I’m sorry to know your son is sick. Praying for you and for your son.

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Thank you very much!

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deletedFeb 11Liked by Probablyalexandra
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Feb 12Liked by Probablyalexandra

Many thanks!

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

New subscriber here. Since 2020 I've read/watched/bookmarked nearly 4,000 articles and videos in the "Great Reset" era—enough to push me to the psychological brink with panic attacks and endless online arguments. But also enough for me to start discerning "good" research from outstanding research. I'm here because PA (from what I saw as a non-subscriber) offers the latter.

After over 50 years as a "Christian," I'm also a new Bible reader. But it's very daunting tackling the equivalent of 20+ typical full-length books. Does anyone have suggestions on where to start, particularly as it would relate to current unfolding events?

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Your kind words are so appreciated. I strive to provide quality research that will always point others towards Jesus. Congratulations on beginning your journey with Scripture! I always suggest starting with the Gospels, Matthew or John are my favorite. Fall in love with Jesus and His examples and words. That’s the perfect way to gain a deep understanding and respect for everything else.

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

I enjoy listening to the bible books audio on youtube King James Version. These movies are word for word gospel accounts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5bTIUrUw0M. The Bible Project also do a good job on bible commentary. https://bibleproject.com/

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Im honestly surprised its taken you 50 years to start reading scripture..

Read both New and Old Testaments to get a complete understanding as the OT lays out the groundwork explaining creation, the fall of mankind, then how God set in place His plan of salvation first by preparing the Jews for the messiah. (Jesus) to be born out of.

Then read the NT to understand how the Jews rejected their messiah (which God knew they would) to set in motion the plan for ALL to be given the gift of salvation.

In the meantime share the gospel of 1 Corinthians 15 with ALL who will listen!

God Bless!

EDIT: Dont worry about "understanding" either at first just POWER THROUGH and pray for the Spirit to guide you as you read..it will work to help you understand that which may not be clear at first!

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Thanks. Yes, though baptized and a church-goer throughout my youth (and some adulthood), my familiarity with the Bible stopped at whatever sermons I heard on Sunday. But Covid changed that—evil was all of a sudden not an abstraction but something very real. And because of that, the opposite must be true as well. So I'm beginning my exploration. I just hope Scripture can get past my overly rational mind to the real me underneath.

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Ok gotcha. well one KEY important thing to remember as you go through your journey,

is that You, hearing the gospel of salvation (as Paul lays out in 1 Cor 15 then confirms that the belief thereof seals you(baptizes) with the Holy Spirit as referenced in 1 Ephesians 13)

is, how that Christ died, shed His blood to pay for your sins, was buried, and then rose again on His own accord after 3 days and then TRUSTING and applying that to yourself( confessing that to God) is what saves you, not any ritual, or you doing "good works" etc. Just keep that in mind brother.

You come to God empty handed, acknowledging your sins and accepting what Christ did to pay for them rather than relying on your own works, basically.


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Sorry John meant to add another way to read through scripture is to do BOTH OT and NT simultaneously. Start with Genesis & Matthew and read 1-3 Chapters of each once a day ..maybe also mix in some Psalms (starting to sound like a recipe lol), but yea just work you way through the books that way. fun to also look into archaeology/history related to the books youre currently on too to show the "rational" you that the spiritual aspects.. ARE rational. You may find some of your past rationalities have been swayed by Luciferian forces that you thought were of "science" etc..

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Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thanks for those suggestions. I have both a KJV study bible and a basic KJV without notes. So far the notes are taking longer to read than the actual text (though they provide great context). Should I save deeper study for later and just "power through" the text only for now?

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by Probablyalexandra

Oh yea those study guides make WONDERFUL trash can liners LOL! Id dump that thing full of opinions of the publisher, and just use your "built-in" "study guide" ..the HOLY SPIRIT! XD

Edit: I also find that even the bibles themselves will have the "This verse for" section and even those are WAY off on the contexts of the verses they cite.

For example mine says : "For trouble with smoking" then leads to a verse in Exodus 14:14 that says " I will fight for you" !!

Which has ABSLOUTLY NOTHING to do with smoking obviously..God is saying He will Guide Israel out of Egypt!! smh.. lol

(I dont smoke and never have but giving examples)

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Feb 10Liked by Probablyalexandra

Took me almost a year to read the Bible cover to cover. I spoke to no one about it the entire time. By the end of the Old Testament, it was the theme that spoke to me, perhaps because that's always what you had to describe if you had to do a book report in school. And likewise by the end of reading the New Testament, there spoke to me its own theme. Those two themes are never taught by any church or in any study guide. Those themes go against our world civilization and its best philosophies. They explain our world better than anything else. And these are not coincidences.

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Feb 11Liked by Probablyalexandra

Hi there, I studied from the beginning of the book at first. Well, I prayed first. Read John as recommended by Alexandra at the time. Then prayed about where to go next and found myself in Jonah. Realising the ultimate lesson to do exactly as Yah says and also to learn humility was the big step to understanding that the Spirit of Truth will guide us. 2 years after discovering Probably Alexandra, I feel completely connected to Abba, but I am still learning humility. 🙂🙂

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

Thank you for sharing. Have you ever seen that guy Ariel on X or Twitter? Now there's an interesting fellow. But nothing he said is coming true but all the sudden boom he's at 290,000 followers.

I've watched all your videos and I appreciate them. I could probably go back and review...

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Thank you! Your kind words mean a lot to me. I’m familiar with Ariel! He is interesting indeed. However, a lot of what he says actual has been proven right - he predicted the Basal III compliance deadline months before it went live, for example. He seems to be able to bring up names without being censored by X or community noted which is very odd. It seems like he’s working on the inside and “allowed” to bring truth and lies mixed together to the masses and continue the psychological information war.

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

2024...? Could the crash and subsequent reset come so soon? I really thought it was at least ten years off still. Everything else they do is very slow. But could the crash come this year? May 1st is the day of great occult significance. We here, who will reject The Mark outright, have to think carefully on this. Resources can be used to physically get us out, and off grid. Resources can be used to make our post-Mark lives more manageable, so we can stay at peace and keep trying to wake others up. We may need to pray on this with sincerity and make decisions now. If we have retirement accounts, we could demand payouts of these before the crash, turn them into gold or food or hard assets while they still have value. Yes, we could do nothing and let the assets die. Jesus will provide regardless. Personally, I make as little money as possible, and am debt free, rejecting everything the world offers. But should I liberate funds in my name that are currently held by the Satanic, Masonic, sun-worshipping Fidelity Inc.? Should I do it now? Does the Lord have plans for me to use it for something? Or should I let them be lost knowing they are not important? We who have repented for every day that we have to still be *in* Babylon, but not OF it, have to pray on these questions.

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Those are all great questions which I’ve struggled with myself and pray on.

Everyone’s situation and response may be different (and I’m certainly no financial advisor). I have known people who have taken out their 401k and kept it in cash.

It’s true the current system were used to moves incredibly slow, this revaluation of currency comes from the “other side” of the coin so to speak and we really can’t predict how fast it could happen. It makes sense to me to think it would happen quickly. It’s not meant to be hidden like the current system accomplishes goals, it’s meant to deceive the whole world not through evil but through false hope and I believe a more flamboyant approach might be how they go about it. I seriously wonder if this election cycle will even go as expected. But time will tell and it’s anyone’s guess! So let’s be watchful for any way it may be implemented.

Basic survival and things to ponder are important topics to pray on and I like how you said “to make our post-Mark lives more manageable, so we can stay at peace and keep trying to wake others up.” That is certainly the charge of all of us who will refuse the mark!

These are excellent questions, and I’ll get working on an article where we can all share our thoughts and ideas in the near future!

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Feb 19Liked by Probablyalexandra

One thing I am sure you will agree with, is that God is in control of every aspect of this change of NWOs (from dark to light, as you put it). Not that this is the current topic of discussion, but it is interesting to speculate about exactly what is God trying to prepare the world for through ordaining the events we see unfold, from now until and during the coming reign of the Antichrist. We may have somewhat different opinions of what this reign will involve, but the irony of it all, is that in many ways, the Antichrist, as the FALSE King of Kings, Lord of Lords, will prepare the world in understanding and appreciating when the TRUE CHRIST comes to rule over all things.

In many ways, it can SEEM like each move of Satan through humanity is perfectly timed. But only God seems to work in such a perfect way. For example, the "New Age" movement of the 1980's seemed to be (at least to me) gearing up for bringing the Antichrist to power around the year 2000. Then, there seemed to be some attempt (albeit, less than before) to bring him to power around 2012. It was not until January 2020, that I personally realized, through my understanding of "Q Posts," that there was a very updated timetable for the transition of NWOs from dark to light, apparently culminating in 2025. We SEEM to be on schedule. It SEEMS that God is, at least at this point of history, ALLOWING Satan and his minions to appear to be in control of when and where (and how) the change of NWOs will occur. I suppose that is related at least in part to the "great lie" that GOD will allow to be told and believed (whatever that amounts to) regarding the Antichrist as per 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. God actually seems to supernaturally help this "lie" to be believed by the world, because the world has chosen to REJECT THE TRUTH.

Initially, I was aiming to ask you a question about this timing and about Satan's control of it, but I think I essentially answered my own question. Thanks for letting me think out loud. And as always, THANK YOU FOR THIS AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR POSTS! I truly believe you are serving in a very important and unique ministry. Continue trusting our Lord Jesus Christ as the darkness envelopes all of us, including (apparently) most Christians. Even a few discerning Christians can make all the difference. God is NEVER without a witness of His truths.

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Feb 12Liked by Probablyalexandra

So I had no idea about the S(t)uperbowl occurring yesterday, but after seeing "decodes" in my feed today, one thing that stuck out to me that seemed missed, was the piano appearing as a serpent/snake head.. but Ill admit I havent dug into the whole halftime show yet.. but did appear to have a lot of the "rising out of ashes" symbolism per usual.

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Feb 13Liked by Probablyalexandra

I haven't watched the stuperbowl in about 40 years. But now I'm thinking maybe I should, for research purposes. Hmmm ...... I bet Edward Bernays was a big fan of it.

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Feb 13Liked by Probablyalexandra

Nah spare yourself. We both know what were gonna see/find within that mind mush lol!

Im sure Mr Propaganda did enjoy seeing how his influence affected the programming of (or rather "through") the oh so "funny" ads.

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Feb 8Liked by Probablyalexandra

So thankful… keep prayerful and diligent… was there anything re: Speaker Mike Johnson being added into the mix?

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You’re welcome! In my opinion no, he seems to just be playing his role at the moment. Thank you for asking.

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So appreciative of your efforts. Thank you for sharing. I feel silly asking this, but I'm wondering if you could weigh in on this other odd national news story which is the super bowl, Taylor Swift, all of that stuff. Or maybe you have already done an expose on how the dark side uses Entertainers.

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There are no silly questions! It’s a great question actually, and I have done a series about mind control programming that included one episode of how the world’s structure of control was touched on.

Celebrities fit into a tier of spoon feeding information, social changes, propaganda, etc. this goes on with the Taylor Swift psyop - she is bought and paid for by Soros and used as a tool of political propaganda as we all know. By getting involved in football shes put lots of eyes on it which leads to the Super Bowl - a massively occult significant event and major human trafficking hub - the 49ers represent a gold rush and Swift is the banking giant that powers most international money and security transfers. (https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/050515/how-swift-system-works.asp)

Some folks are speculating they may even be planning a FF for the Super Bowl



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Feb 14Liked by Probablyalexandra

Very informative


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Excellent! Thank you for taking the time to share this information.

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