Always great to get your insight on the things going on. I've done so much to try and ignore the lies and deception, but how can we ? Especially when I try to show others. I know I'm labeled the conspiracy theorist in my family. However, some are starting to question finally. I think it's becoming more and more obvious. Your past videos ( I've seen them all ) have really gave me a ton to think about and pay attention too.
When I shared that information, friends and family ( including Christian friends ) rolled their eyes and shook their heads. " Don't get ahead of yourself Bill " heard it more than a dozen times. Yet, as we move closer, the questions are coming. How do you know? You were right. What's next ? It goes on and on.
I won't say I'm right, I just say I'm aware and I'm paying attention. Most people don't understand how deep this really is. Spiritual Warefare at its best. That's always my answer. God is bigger than anything we can imagine.
I plan to get a group together and have them watch the videos you produced over the years and have some good conversations. Encourage them to subscribe and research as well. We all need to be on the right side of history. God has Already won. We just have to finish well. Even if it's a marathon. Thanks for all you do !! Praying with you.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your experiences with me! I'm glad that my videos have been helpful in sparking conversations and encouraging others to question and seek truth. I appreciate you sharing my work more than you know!
It can certainly be challenging to navigate the world of misinformation and deception, especially when it comes to discussing these topics with friends and family. But remember that by remaining aware and paying attention, you are fostering curiosity and questioning in those around you. Ultimately all we’re trying to do is glorify God and lead others to Jesus!
You are absolutely right—God has already won, and our job is to stay the course and finish well. Your commitment to seeking truth and sharing it with others is truly commendable and encouraging! I love this community and you all bring me more strength and comfort than you know.
Please know that I am praying with you and for you as you continue to navigate these complex issues. May God bless you and your efforts to point others to our Lord and Savior Jesus!
Don’t give up friend. You will be surprised the seeds you are sowing. I don’t mean to go on and on where it irritates ppl but you have done your job by saying anything at all. Most wont even speak up! God bless you and know you are doing the right thing. Don’t let em get u down! Much love.. Kimbo
That is a great idea! I was thinking the same thing to do with my side of our parents, I highly doubt my other side will listen..maybe. im glad and thankful that they have been starting to see what you have been sharing with them and showing them! Hallelujah!
Thanks Alexandra. Great job with adding to your work. You have touched on much of this previously and it is most amazing that the formula seems to be holding (as) true. I feel all the more reason to share the gospel in a way that helps people to understand it is more than just words it is answering the question "What kind of relationship do you have with Jesus?", or even better yet, "what does it mean to you to let Jesus into your heart?". Thank you for continuing to share your insights and research. We want to get the message out as much as possible to the "truth". Blessings in Christ.
Thank you brother! I couldn’t agree with you more. Now is the time to share the Gospel like never before. Your new approach is brilliant and I will absolutely be incorporating these open ended questions more into my real life. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement.
Do you think that TikTok’s potential removal has a bigger purpose behind the scenes? I don’t believe such an app, either the influence and filling that TikTok has, would be banned for Chinese surveillance, intelligence or whatever the supposed reason was. I think all the world powers are in it together so I don’t know why this app would be banned if not for some ulterior motive .
Absolutely. There’s definitely a strategy at play here. Time will tell for sure, but it makes me sick that the powers that shouldn’t be will ban this but leave up all of the things that are illegal and or detrimental to society.
That’s exactly what gets me and shows me what is real! All these awful sites like on the dark web that could be snapped in a heartbeat.. if they wanted. There is something more to this.
I believe Trump is the "third carpenter" spoken of in the prophecy in Zech 1:18-21 (after every "horn" that frayed/scattered Israel came/comes a carpenter to rebuild Israel).
- Horn 1 was Nebuchadnezzer
- Carpenter 1 was Cyrus
- Horn 2 was Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Carpenter 2 was Judas Maccabeus
- Horn 3 was Titus in 70 AD (temple destroyed)
- Carpenter 3 IS AND WILL BE Donald Trump and he will rebuild the temple in Israel -- and this WILL be a short-lived "Golden Age" for the world . . .
- Horn 4 will be the future Antichrist (who will stand in the temple and demand worship as god, so there must be a temple and the Tribulation is right around the corner
- Carpenter 4 will be Jesus Christ, after his second advent.
Credit for this teaching goes to Pastor Matt Crane, who is an incredible Bible teacher.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s going to be interesting to see what happens for sure.
Regarding the rebuilding of the temple, (and Dispensationalism in general) I feel it's important to note that this idea is rooted in Jewish tradition and the Talmud, but it isn't explicitly stated in the Bible as a requirement for future events. Scripture tells us that believers themselves are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I pray God bless and protect you during these crazy times!
Yes, I know this is an area (one of the very few) in which you and I disagree and no worries on my end. I truly believe it is vital to understand that God spoke differently to different people at different times (throughout history) and so this is how I read and interpret scripture. I disagree in it's roots but hey, that's the great thing about being able to dialog in a respectful manner, especially on matters that are not essential doctrines. Yes -- we will absolutely see what happens!!! Love you, girl.
Love your attitude! I appreciate your thoughts and perspectives. I’m super interested to know more of how you reconcile the roots and your beliefs. I’m always happy to learn more and appreciate you sharing your understandings and findings. Thanks for being here along the way and I look forward to watching it all unfold with you! Love you too sis 💖
" In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9Having made known unto us the MYSTERY of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 10That in the DISPENSATION of the FULNESS OF TIMES he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:"
"Times" is plural denoting tme periods...and clearly in a 4500 year time span collection of books where God is dealing with many generations of differnet peoples, there are differing circumstances and revelations along the way.
the 12 Apostols didnt even understand the death burial and ressurection until AFTER Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD! this is why MOST of Matt Mark Luke John is NOT to or for chrisians and is still in the OLD covenant.. Jesus revealed THAT as a MYSTERY to Paul post ressurection and Paul had to explain THAT to the JEWISH apostols who at that point had ONLY went to JEWS with the KINGDOM message. Paul tells Peter..with some resistace from Peter, then Peter saw the truth and was the first to public proclaim that gosple t Jews first at the Pentecost feast, wher the Holy Spirit decended on them and they being Jews spoke tounges to the non-jews who in turnred and belived and were also seal with the Holy Spirt! as we are to this day until the first rapture(of THREE that is to come). Pre, mid and post trib for three seperarte groups. i used to not understand this but now its very clear and makes the bible complete and whole.
Not understnading these timelines is why ppl think we in the church age can lose salvation, do into the great trib etc.. all b/c they can not RIGHTLY DIVIDE gots words and appropriate the correct gospel to the correct situation.
Dude (or dudette?) . . . I could not have said it better. Agreed -- I used to have the hardest time reconciling how future events mentioned in the Bible that were written for the Tribulation Jews were meant for us, the Church. Rightly dividing the Word is the only way the scriptures have come alive for me.
Unfortunately you are misapplying interpretations and using non inspired writings. According to Danie and the image that God gave Daniel and the interpretation, the last two kingdoms before Jesus comes, were Rome, then Papal Rome, or the Papacy "little horn", then Jesus the Rock that smites the image on the feet of clay and iron. The kingdoms before Papal Rome and Rome. were, Greece, Medo-Persia, and Babylon. So, according to the Bible in Daniel and Revelation there is only one horn, the "little horn" which is Catholicism. This is also what all the reformers taught, and what the Protestant Church used to teach.
Also, I'd like to put out there that a brother whom you know of has put together info and shared it giving the idea that trump could or is most likely the antiChrist. Would you be interested in seeing it just to see it? I know that I did not test the influwhere I first got the idea from, but there are things I've seen and heard that really make me think that the influence is the Holy Spirit..though I know that the enemy can really make himself look and sound like God and really mislead people EASILY if they don't know God's word well.
there are many who do things that are "antichrist" but "The" antichrist proclaims himself to BE God...
DT gave credit TO God several times just today...he is just a man who claims to be a Christian.. who, however, seems to have himself entangled by "antichrists" around him ( preists) etc..due to his position and status.
Also the Pope denounced one of his actions recently which was the reversal of the insane border policies.. which one of the two seems more likely to be an antichrist?
donald proclaims to be a Chrustian and i hope he is trusting the correct gosple of salvation and not just saying "i believe in jesus" without understanding/appling the gosple of salvation (1 Corinthians 15) to himself..
I feel a high %90 of professing Cristinas dont know the true gosple from being tied into some weird denomination or going to "churches" that never preach it..
I think DT is a guy who means well but is just slighly enough off the path with ppl around him..
Also, ive recently learned that the masons have created their own holy bible. It looks at least at first like ours, but its not as far as I've seen. The pope is NOT to be trusted one bit.
yes they have made a "bible unto themselves" no dispute there. Thats been happenng since the NT books were still eing written as Paul says "for we are not as many that CORRUPT the word of God" nothing new, satans been at work for a LOOOONG time:)
thats why i actually do NOT recommend "reading various versions" recommend learning which one come from non corrupt lines and stay in the one from the non corrupt and most refined line of manuscripts. otherwise you make "a bible unto YOURSELF" and just cause confusion..
ive researched and am aware of all the corrupt scripture versions vs. those from the correct line of manuscripts. The correct line, coming from the Majority Text(from antioch, and preserved in the Textus Receptus, includes: Wycliffe Bible, Tyndale Bible, Coverdale Bible, Matthew’s Bible, Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops’ Bible, and ultimately the King James Version (KJV).
On the other hand, the corrupt Alexandrian line includes: Douay-Rheims, Revised Version (RV), American Standard Version (ASV), Revised Standard Version (RSV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), New Living Translation (NLT), Christian Standard Bible (CSB), and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), among others. these should be burned lol
What’s incredible is that the KJV is considered the final refinement of the English Bible, fulfilling the promise in Psalm 12:6-7 where God said His Word would be preserved and refined, “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Refinement means improvement over time, and the KJV represents the culmination of centuries of faithful translations from the correct line of manuscripts. It was also created at the perfect time in history, when the English language was at its peak for clarity and precision.
Not only that, but the KJV is the most widely used Bible of all time, which again shows God’s providence—He knew this would be the case! He ensured that His Word would be preserved in a way that would endure and be accessible to the world, even in these times of confusion and deception.
This refinement and widespread use are what make the KJV unique. It wasn’t just another translation—it was the result of God’s promise to preserve and purify His Word, knowing the challenges of apostasy and corruption we’d face today. Modern translations from the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts stray further from the truth, but the KJV remains the most accurate and faithful reflection of God’s Word.
The King James Version translators rendered the Greek word “ekklesia,” meaning “assembly” or “congregation,” as “church” under explicit instructions from King James.
Rule 3 of the translation guidelines required retaining “old ecclesiastical words,” aligning with the Church of England’s hierarchical structure and theology.
This choice obscured the original meaning, fostering ideas of a universal, institutional church and hierarchical governance rather than emphasizing local assemblies of believers….Earlier translators like William Tyndale had used “congregation” to reflect the term’s intent more accurately.
ou know, Tyndale’s Bible was absolutely groundbreaking for its time. It was the first English translation done directly from the Greek (Textus Receptus) and Hebrew (Masoretic Text), so without it, we probably wouldn’t even have the KJV. Fun fact—80-90% of the KJV New Testament is straight-up based on Tyndale’s work. That being said, the KJV did improve on it in some key ways.
For example, Tyndale left out a few verses, like 1 John 5:7 and Luke 17:36, even though they’re in the Textus Receptus. The KJV included those, so it’s more complete. Also, Tyndale used "congregation" instead of "church" when translating ekklesia, which made sense for his Protestant perspective, but honestly, it didn’t change the meaning at all. The word “church” works better in English anyway—it covers both local gatherings and the universal body of Christ, so the KJV translators nailed that balance.
Another thing is some of Tyndale’s word choices, like using "love" instead of "charity" in 1 Corinthians 13. While "love" works, "charity" gets closer to the deeper, self-sacrificial love the passage is talking about. Plus, since Tyndale didn’t finish the whole Bible before his execution, his work was left incomplete. The KJV had 85 more years of scholarship, 47 translators working together, and access to more manuscripts to refine and polish the text. It fixed Tyndale’s omissions and made everything more consistent and precise.
So yeah, while the whole ekklesia = congregation vs. church thing is really a non-issue because it doesn’t change the meaning, the KJV still has the upper hand overall. It’s just more complete, accurate, and refined...which was my overall point :)
Dt is a Mason and a VERY high ranking Mason at that, the god he serves is NOT the God we serve. There is proof out there that shows the true person he is.
I’ve seen the claims about Donald Trump being connected to Freemasonry, with some saying he’s a high-ranking Mason or tied to groups like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. While he’s omitted from lists of former presidents who were Freemasons, it’s very common for people of his status to get caught up in fraternal orders by some proxy. There are things he adorns and participates in that would suggest this could be the case. If you’ve got solid sources or links confirming these claims, I’d like to see em.
Regardless of that, my point still stands. The Bible doesn’t promise us perfect Christian leaders. In fact, most leaders in history—even in Israel and Judah—were far from godly. 1st and 2nd Kings are full of examples of rulers who “did evil in the sight of the Lord,” yet God’s plans still moved forward. All we can do is choose the “lesser of two evils,” because endlessly pessimistic attitudes and sitting on our hands usually let the “more evil” take hold. That almost happened this last election. Whether Trump is connected to Freemasonry or not doesn’t change the fact that he did good in reversing harmful border policies—policies the Pope denounced, which says a lot about where the Pope stands.
To be clear, I never said Trump should be blindly trusted. I also never said the Pope is trustworthy. Quite the opposite—I think the Pope is far more of an antichrist figure. The idea of the papacy itself goes against Scripture (Matthew 23:9), and the Vatican’s long history of corruption and false doctrine proves it’s not aligned with God’s Word. The fact that the Pope criticized Trump for reversing bad policies only highlights the kind of agenda the Pope represents. I find the assertion that trump is "the antichrist" to be "lacking"..
What I’m more concerned about is how few people truly understand the Gospel of salvationand are foloowing Jesus's earthly kindom ministry to JEWS instead of the gosple he gave AFTER his ressurection TO PAUL. Paul lays it out plainly in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. That’s the Gospel, and it’s what saves—not empty traditions, and nothing from Matt, mark ,Luke John. not just saying “I believe in Jesus” without knowing what that even means, and certainly not putting our trust in flawed human one is sayin trump is "a savior" in the context of salvation..he is simply a lesser of two evils who is most likely as mislsed as %90+ ppl I see that claim to be "Christians" who cant understand or properly divide scriprture properly and it IS "DIVIDE" ..not "handle" lol
By the way, what Bible version are you reading? I’m curious, cuz a lot of modern translations, especially those based on Alexandrian manuscripts, distort key Scriptures. Versions like the KJV, which come from the Majority Text, are way more accurate. It’s important to be rooted in the right source if we’re gonna talk about God’s Word.
So whether or not Trump is connected to Freemasonry, the bigger point is that no leader is ever gonna be perfect. God uses flawed people all the time. Leaders aren’t our hope—Christ is. Let’s focus on the Gospel and what Scripture actually says instead of getting sidetracked by speculation. If you have proof of these claims tho, feel free to share it. I’d genuinely like to see it. God bless
Boy this is going to probably be a long discussion..
I used to believe in the whole lesser than two evils, don't anymore and I've also learned that the whole voting thing is a delusion as a lot of other things in the world is that comes from the darkness.
Your calling him a Christian? You can't be a true Christian and be living the way he chooses, then again you havent seen what I have. Any other Christian brothers and sisters here are welcome to check the brothers account and channel out, if you spot something that is for sure open to hear ya out. But I don't think this brother would do that as I've been watching him and he looks sincere about his work, as I'm sure sister alexandra is also.
Hi first i want to applogize if i seemed to rash and just clarify that i wasnt saying to outright trust him at all and i do feel your points.
I wasnt calling him a Christian, i was saying that he robably considers himself a "Chsristian" but is most likely following false doctrines, but I also meant that i think there are a LOT of pp who profess to be Christians who think they are b/c they "go to church" or "belive in Jesus" but dont actually trust the salvation gospel, so im sorry if i was vague or unclear.
i am also not doubting that he is of some fraternal order or possibly the hermetic order of the golden dawn, im just saying its tough to pin him to one thing, but he def speaks the language.
Funny thing: i saw that "Prayer service" today ad WHOAAAA MAAN, was that quite a display of a parade of the world mystery religion gumbo!!!
aand that was kinda my overall point: i think DT thinks hes just being a "goodguy" who means well and wants to be a "unifier", HOWEVER he will simply just end up usering in UNIVERSALISM as we painfully watched todat in all its wretched "glory'!
so i think that through his good interntions he will be misled to be the one who facilitates the back door/ trojan horse that will be used BY the true Antichrist, but he himself not being the antichrist, as i belive THAT will maybe be someone at the seat of one of these mystery religions most likley a POPE.. and then He will give power to the "angel of Light"..
whew buckle up!
Thanks for stickin with me, ive REALLY been couped up lately and mu mind has been going 100 differening directions and thisgroup is a place i find mnay interesting viewpoints and appreciate everyone i talk to..i know i can be a handful LOL
Try looking up mana daily podcasts on youtube and Instagram, lots of videos and lots of slides with a summary of info to go with it. I'd pair this brothers info with sisters Alexandra's info that she has shared, both are a very good sources of info from true Christians.
Also, there is a documentary about dt in his younger years. Haven't seen it yet, but ive seen some stuff that is supposedly from it and it's Very interesting. Its called wheres my roy cohn? . Heard its very good!
I've heard he said he left it too which led me to increase my interest in supporting him when I used to, now I see more as I've been learning more. I used to be deceived about him, now I'm not. He might not do this or that anymore of other things..BUT there are some that state that the "incident" that happened at a rally before he "got" voted back in was a ritual or something like that. There is a lot to know about how the masons work and what they believe, it's something you'd have to do a lot of research on and of course be careful along the way.
Believe what you want, but I believe what ive seen and heard alongside sources that it is true.
To clarify ONE small thing too i didnt mean "nothing" from matt mark luke and john", as they do end at a time when the correct gosple was reveled to them as well, however that was all AFTER Jesus's death burial and ressurection.. I meant their going out to Jews as jesus before His sacrifec to ALL of them go NOT to the gentiles clearly and it was AFTER his ressurection and revelation to Paul where Paul then informed them of the mystery of that gosple eventually written in 1 corinthinas 15..
which is going tobring me to another important discussion that might not be popular, but the Lord wants me to at least try to another "clean" thread
For years I’ve been trying to figure out what’s coming, and I’m constantly reminded that the Smith-Mundt Act was “modernized” back in the Obama administration. That modification now allows for the U.S. government to propagandize its citizens. That change was not repealed by Trump, and not repealed by Biden… so, do you think we’re being propagandized from all sides? Absolutely! Can we discern the truth of what’s coming within a sea of propaganda? Probably not… but we can track their actions and see where they take things.
My 2c’s is that our economy/banking system is such a MASSIVELY delicate house of cards that no major changes can happen without a collapse, so the focus will be retaining the foundational constitutional system while removing the corruption and illegality. They’ve been shuffling assets behind the scenes for years, seemingly to bolster the system and prep it for the changes (cleaning) that’s coming. There’s no NESARA/GESARA, there’s no “reset”, but there will be a deep cleaning… at least from what I can see.
Absolutely. The propaganda is strong. I think we’ll have some golden carrots dangled before us but they’ll be empty promises. Reminds me of Satan in Matthew 4!
"so the focus will be retaining the foundational constitutional system while removing the corruption and illegality."
ALL Ive ever really wanted: Recognize the corruption of the system and root it out: NO "new system" no "escape the system" just apply it properly.
We will NEVER as mankind have a perfect ruler besides the KING Lord Jesus Christ! until He rules, ALL of mans rule ultimately has a hint or flat out evil nature: wheras the constitutional republic is the BEST "evil" we will ever have.... God bless ya brother
Spot on! There have been some weird things happening in the background for years, but one has to really stop and look to see them, for they’re done quietly and compartmentalized. People in power know of the corruption, for that’s the focus of executive order 13818 and others. I know about it because I’m in the midst of it in my workplace (and I know why EO13818 declares it a “state of emergency” level of corruption, for it’s terrifyingly deep and pervasive!). The corruption is “infiltration” of existing overall-good-intentioned and well-framed systems; it’s not any distinctly explicit entity (evil always hides within). It’s all driven by evil, greed, and the devil, and it can’t be ripped out because that will gut our society. It has to be surgically removed. It can never be fully eradicated, but it can definitely be mitigated.
Everything that’s happening reminds me of the Book of Job, where Job and his friends try to “figure out” God and His ways, and God comes down and delivers a long and sharp rebuke that we mere mortals are no one to understand the ways of God, for we’re not capable. We’ll never know what’s truly happening, but I have complete faith and trust that God has His hand in it.
That's interesting about the book of job, ive never seen it that way. I myself have trying to figure things out just trying to see things from God point of view. I do also try to see things the way He sees things, I don't think there is anything wrong with that, is there?
Nothing wrong with that at all! Actually, I think that is fantastic! We are made in His image, and I think He would love that we try to emulate Him (I see that in that God restored Job and his wealth as He liked that Job constructively questioned Him, and understood and grew from God’s response… just like a good father would do with a child they love).
We just shouldn’t try and make statements “for” Him, in place of His Word (as Job’s friends did (and had to pay penance for)).
I see it as a loving father/child relationship. We are to listen to our father, obey him, and emulate him, but we overstep our bounds when we speak for him or create explanations for his actions without him telling us (for we don’t know).
We are made in His image, and we are the only creatures on this earth that can innovatively create (as we are of the ultimate Creator), and I think He wants us to utilize that, keep asking questions, and keep seeking His guidance 🙏🏼
What a coincidence- the "Tax fix" has me banging my head on a desk due to the SIMPLE "fix" that has been a misappliction of the laws. the solution used to be understood by ALL prior to the 1940s yet now only one in a million comprehend it..
I left this comment yesterday and i feel very confindent that it is REALLy what shoul be implemented(actually it IS already implemneted and the taxs laws are the SAME since the 1860s - the 16 amendment ONLY addresed a "source" connection to "income".. MY Letter to the president as follows:
To The President of the United States,
Mr. President, I know you want to revamp the IRS and address issues like abolishing certain taxes or restructuring the system. However, the solution is simpler than that, and it’s entirely constitutional. The real problem lies in the misapplication of federal income tax laws. The tax was never meant to apply to ordinary Americans earning private wages. It’s specifically for federally connected earnings and profits derived from taxable activities—not private compensation for labor.
**Examples of Misapplication:**
The Federal Reserve is supposed to pay, Nancy Pelosi is supposed to pay, those who profit from federally connected privileges, use federally connected property, or engage in any business trade whatsoever that’s federally connected are supposed to 'put back' into the system, but we are tricked into signing declarations that magically transform our private earnings into 'income' instead. If I mow your lawn, that’s private earning—nontaxable. If I mow the post office lawn, that’s 'income' because it’s federally connected. It’s THAT simple. The misapplication of this tax is what has bloated this beast against us.
If you truly want to fix the system, focus on enforcing the law as it’s written and ensuring the tax applies only to those engaged in federally taxable activities. This approach is fair, constitutional, and restores the integrity of our tax system.
For a deeper understanding of this issue, I urge you to reference Peter Hendrickson’s book, *Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America,* and visit his website at 'www dot losthorizons dot com'. These resources comprehensively outline how federal income tax laws are often misinterpreted and how they should be properly applied. Additionally, I recommend visiting 'www dot losthorizons dot com/BulletinBoard dot htm', a page showcasing the filings of individuals who have properly filed under these principles.
**The Core Issue at Hand:**
The current discourse often misses the primary point: federal income tax, when applied properly, is not a burden meant for ordinary American citizens earning compensation for their labor. Instead, it is designed for federal office holders, employees, and individuals engaged in federally taxable activities deriving gains or profits as defined under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
The Supreme Court’s ruling in *Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co.* (240 U.S. 1, 1916) reaffirmed that the 16th Amendment did not create a new taxing power but clarified Congress’s authority to tax income without apportionment. Judicial interpretations, such as in *Eisner v. Macomber* (252 U.S. 189, 1920), have consistently defined “income” as gain or profit derived from capital or labor—not merely the compensation for one’s work.
**Why This Matters:**
Every misstep in the application of federal income tax laws perpetuates injustice and erodes trust in the system. The tax code is clear, yet its enforcement often exceeds its rightful boundaries, ensnaring individuals whose earnings do not constitute “income” as legally defined. This overreach is not only unconstitutional but fundamentally unfair.
**A Simple Solution:**
Rather than calling for sweeping changes or abolishment, I urge you to focus on the following:
1. **Enforce the Law as Written:** Apply federal income tax to individuals and entities engaged in taxable activities as outlined in the IRC. Ensure that those who earn federally defined “income” pay their fair share, while ordinary compensation for labor is recognized as outside this definition.
2. **Educate and Inform:** Equip both the public and enforcement agencies with a clear understanding of the proper scope of federal income tax laws. Transparency will foster compliance and fairness.
3. **Lead by Example:** Advocate for reforms that align with constitutional principles and judicial precedents, ensuring that taxation serves its rightful purpose without burdening those it was never meant to target.
**A Call to Action:**
Mr. President, the stakes are high. The American people are watching. By addressing this issue with clarity and resolve, you can restore faith in our tax system and ensure that its application upholds the principles of justice and equity.
I trust in your commitment to fairness and constitutional governance. Let us work together to ensure that federal income tax laws serve their true purpose and are applied properly to those they were meant to affect.
FOLLOW the links look at he reseources - we do NOT need a "FIX.. we need PROPER APPLICATION.
this letter was actually sent, this is NOT just for the comments here ;)
If anyone agrees with it, pls feel free to copy/paste it.. im writing a "for dummies" book based on the facts of the matter and writings of Mr Henderickson..who has shrouded a solution that ALL need to understand, into a format that most in 2025 cannot, sadly.. so Ill step in and make it more "digestable"!
Thanks for another timely article, Alexandra! And another warning not to be deceived.
Perhaps a better name for this time period would be the Golden Age of Deception.
I can't stop thinking of 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 -- "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
I can't help but feel that the shadow of this strong delusion has already fallen over the world and its false light is getting darker and darker every day.
And the only way to avoid being deceived is to have the True Light burning as bright as possible in our hearts, to stay grounded in the Word, focused like a laser beam on the true Jesus of Nazareth, taking up our cross day by day to follow Him, putting to death the old man, being crucified with Christ, not loving our lives even unto the death, walking in the Holy Spirit, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing, loving our enemies, humbling ourselves before God, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. Walk the walk. Talk the talk. Fight the good fight. Endure unto the end. Be salt and light. Occupy until He comes. Love God. Love our neighbors. Love our enemies. Love one another.
We have to let the glory of God shine through us so much that it outshines the false light of the enemy. I believe that's exactly why God put all of us here in this time. To bear witness unto the True Light of Jesus Christ in this age when the darkness of deception is so very dark.
I love the article title idea: “the Golden Age of Deception” - you’re making me want to make another 2-3 hour long documentary XD I agree with you on 2nd Thess 2:11. I believe it’s already upon us. Speaking of, our words are so eloquent and straightforward that I’d love to use this comment in a video in the future as well, if it’s ok with you! Thank you for your insights and wisdom. I always look forward to hearing from you! God bless you brother.
I also suppose since Richard is saying the "shadow" of the delusion is upon us" and how staying in the word and having the truth is the way to avoid being fooled, which is in alignment contextually, so it is possible we are aligning in thought but just arriving in a different "vehicle of thought".. i supposed ive misinterpreted the OC as a generalization and just wanted the "target hit" more directly.. just my nature i suppose..
But.. the whole chapter is not about general deception upon the world..The whole chapter is about the coming of the Lord, our GATHERING unto Him and how that will not happen until there is a falling away first and that the Son of perdition is actually revealed..
"Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Its talking specifically about the return of Lucifer & the fallen and that the unbeliveing world will belive him to be God and god's angels..
It will be all due to them not finding the word of TRUTH beforhand..fooling the secular unbelivers and the "elect" unbeliveing nation of israel..
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
11 And for THIS CAUSE God shall send THEM strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ( "A lie", not "lies" its a specific lie)
Thats NOT for us who believe the gosple of salation NOW- because we dont not fit into the "for this cause" group.
"Whereunto he called YOU by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Im sad that im unpopular now due to my belief shift(toward a more dispensational one i suppose-assumption)..but i see this as having much more depth than just some general deception being "upon us"...(that IS TRUE I agree there is deception of all sorts everywhere) but, to me, it seems clearly apparent that this chapter is a SPECIFIC situation of the fallen away world who reject the gospel of salvation..
and their reward is being sent a very strong delusion.. That the "Angel of light" is "god"
The Lord will not come and we will not be gathered until that event is upon the world... THAT Is why i belive ther IS a pre trib rapture of the church, because that event signals the beginning of jacobs trouble.. as the secular world and israel (where the temple he sits) will be...
Amen brother! The deception has already been upon us! Your articulation of walking with Christ is phenomenal... thank you! Praise the Father and the Son for this community! 🙏 🙌 Yahuah God bless you!
You bring up a great point about 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and the growing darkness in the world. While there is certainly deception now, I believe the "strong delusion" spoken of in that passage is something yet to come and will occur specifically during the Tribulation period. Right now, we see the groundwork being laid—a "shadow" of sorts—but the full strong delusion will align with the rise of the Antichrist and the events of the Tribulation. It will involve Satan and his fallen angels presenting themselves as “God” and his angels, deceiving the world into worshiping the Beast. This delusion will be so powerful that those who have rejected the truth will fully believe the lie.
As for my opinion of what the Bible teaches about this topic, here’s how I understand it:
My opinions brother,
While the world is deceptive on almost all counts.."The strong delusion", in my opinion is much deeper & comes after the pre-tribulation rapture of the true Church(thats right I said it)—those saved now by trusting in the gospel of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). and we are actually much fewer than one may think..that becomes more evident to me daily.
The Church is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), meaning true believers cannot take the Mark of the Beast or be part of this delusion. we can NOT be told that we are SEALED to the day of redemption AND simultaneously "take the mark". this understanding has changed my thoughts into more of a dispensational mindset which i came to realize actually makes the most sense.
After the 1st pre trib rapture, confusion will reign, and many will misinterpret it, possibly as an "alien abduction," due to the deception and lies already at work in the world...and the fact that most ppl who call themselves "christians" actually are not saved, think they can lose salvaton, so are NOT atually trusting in Christs PERFECT work for them. most of the catholic "church", the other hell-spawned denominations/ churchianity folk will remain.."so of course it couldnt be the may go mostly UNSEEN... this is why the world and the "elect" Israel will fall for the "Angel of light".
During the Tribulation, we see three groups involved in rapture events:
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Church (true believers) is taken before the Tribulation, spared from God’s wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
Mid-Tribulation Rapture: Those saved during the Tribulation, including the 144,000 sealed Jews, who preach the everlasting gospel: “Fear God... worship him that made heaven” (Revelation 14:6-7). Their warning is clear: don’t worship the Beast or take his mark. Many who heed this are martyred and raptured at this point. thats the tribulation saints, they die FOR Jesus while we trust that he died for US! so we( who belive this) are spared.
Post-Tribulation Rapture: Those who endure to the end, including the faithful remnant of Israel and Gentiles who remain steadfast despite persecution, are gathered when Christ returns (Matthew 24:29-31).
So while deception is rampant now, it’s not yet the strong delusion described in 2 Thessalonians 2:11. For us today, the best way to stay vigilant is exactly as you described—being grounded in God’s Word, walking in the Spirit, and letting the light of Christ shine through us. But the hope we hold as believers is that we’re sealed and secured by God, and we look forward to Christ’s return, trusting His plan as it unfolds in His perfect timing. and when he returns at the end of that period WE RETURN WITH HIM IN GLORY and IMMORTAL into the millenial kingdom!
Thank you for another enlightening post. We are no doubt being judged by our Father for all the crimes that "we the people" have allowed to be committed by our so called "elected representatives". I'm sure I speak for a lot of brothers and sisters in this fellowship that it's a struggle to know, besides sharing what God has been revealing within our circles of influence, continuing to share Jesus and loving our neighbors, prayer, supporting ministry's that are actually doing good (like yours!) and clear direction from the Holy Spirit, how I can best be used by God in this present darkness. Two verses that are worth committing to memory are Phil 4:6-7 and James 1:2-3. Interesting now as I think back to some of the people I knew from my "institutional church" days who were likely aware of most of what we now know to be conspiracies and deceptions whom many of us believed were "drinking the cool aid" when in fact we were the ones that had no eyes to see and no ears to hear. Regarding the TikTok ban, I would recommend that anyone creating content of any kind start looking at FOSS (free and open source software) alternatives as the "powers that should not be" are working overtime to close all the exits for those speaking and spreading truth. I'd like to say something regarding this platform but don't want to risk getting any "strikes" against your account. If we are allowed to share truth in the digital realm in the future, it will not be through closed source platforms that will bow to the pressures of the beast system. On a personal note, I ask all my sold out brothers and sisters in Christ here for prayer that my wonderful wife would get relief from a life threatening intestinal blockage that is temporarily being relieved by a stomach drain tube and intravenous nutrition. Due to the corrupt medical industrial complex and the brainwashed automotons that believe they are actually helping people with their poisons and "expert" opinions, we can not find a surgeon that will even consider a surgical option and insist on teeing up to her allopathic oncologist who believes the only way to "treat" it is with a "new" chemo drug. We know how bad this is for her and are well aware of how broken and evil the oncogene cancer approach is and have tried many natural approaches, but at this point our hands are tied as she won't survive much longer if her system doesn't get unblocked. We have no doubt that God is in control of all of this and can give her relief, if that is His will. Appreciate you Alexandra and all my brothers and sisters in Christ that are part of this fellowship. Keep fighting the good fight until God decides to call us home from the battlefield!
Thank you brother Maxx for the encouragement and your wise insights! Your wife is in my prayers and my heart goes out to you! Me and others here are here for you anytime! Thank you again for your advice and words of wisdom, I appreciate you! Praying miracles and healing in your life!
"Me..? Oh just lampin' in my yellow room layin back suckin on a lemon with some fench fried(bad for you), hypnogogic poppin, while staring at the static on the sceen"
Is your Q Movement video still available anywhere? Have checked Substack, Odysee, etc, but can't find it.
So enjoy and appreciate your work. I learned of your work via Scott Shara of Deprogramming with Grace's Dad a few months ago and watched a lot of your videos. The research your presented there pulled together so much of various pieces of intuition that I hadn't been able to make sense of. Many, many things remain with me, and one in particular was your sharing that in retrospect you would have moved on from digging into the masons sooner than you did.
This helped me move on from the compulsion to try to pull together facts to help people see the evil agendas and to turn the focus instead to the goodness in the world, namely the word of God and the restoration possible through Christ. Shortly after that, the opportunity to lead bible studies at a local jail arose and other things have unfolded.
I am grateful to read your work - it's keen eye on visible events but with overriding focus on the spiritual battle and calling to keep Christ front and center.
Thank you so much for this comment sis! I appreciate your words of encouragement more than you know. Sadly, I don't even have the file for the original Q video. It was on my laptop that has since died and my computer tech couldn't retrieve it (along with a few other early videos). I've learned a lot since then and have invested in external hardrives!
I'm incredibly grateful that my own experience with moving on from certain types of research helped you as well! There's a point where we know enough, we get the picture, and can still help others see the dangers of the occult but without knowing every detail or connection. As you said, ultimately what matters is sharing the true Gospel and pointing others to Jesus. It's so amazing that you got the opportunity to lead bible studies in a jail! God is so good and I'm sure you're impacting more lives than you know.
Let's keep Jesus front and center through these turbulent times and I pray He protect and bless you! Can't wait to hug you one day in Heaven!
Alexandra, it's so wonderful and exciting to see something new you've created!
Thank you for this update! Your work is always very well written and your songs give the readers a beautifully polished articulation of your work!
I absolutely agree with you! Something is going to happen with the monetary system... the question is, what will it be?... and when?
I pray with you against the evil plans the powers that shouldn't be are concocting... and for those who suffered in the LA fires... as well as keeping watch and guarding my heart through the faith and good works of Jesus Messiah 🙌 in His precious name, Yahusha Ha' Maschiach, Amen 🙏
I've been diligently researching and reading the holy scriptures, and recently learned something so interesting that I must share!...
In the days of the disciples... the Pharisees despised, insulted, and mocked the early followers of Messiah for keeping His teachings... they were called the Natsarim.
the hebrew word Natsar: to guard; watchman
Google will tell you it means Nazarene... but when I looked it up in my tangible Interlinear Hebrew/Greek Bible, it states the above definition 👆... I find this so interesting!
Thank you again, and many blessings and peace to you my dear friend and sister in Messiah! 🙏
Thank you, my friend! Amen! Something is definitely up with the money...gotta stay on guard! Thank you for joining me in prayer as well! It's such a blessing to have this community. That's an amazing find, and I'm so glad you shared that fact about the watchman! That's so exciting. I appreciate your insights and thoughts always. God bless!
Hahaha the thumbnail with the magician pepe 😂💯 it's slick.
Q is the perfect psyop to make people trust the government again and that is apart from all the other lies you've been exposing all these years, it makes a lot of sence why they took down your video, they want to keep the deception running at full steam.
I constantly get recruitment ads everywhere, I don't know why. 🤷🏼♂️
I will join you in praying for California, against their evil plans and everyone's well being.
Thank you for your work! I really like the song, this one and the other one's are a beautiful blessing. 😄
Thank you so much brother! You said it perfectly, a psyop to make folks trust the government again. So sad. That's wild you get recruitment ads! I wonder why and how many others are seeing the same things. Thank you as well for joining me in prayer. It's so powerful when we join together to pray for others and situations. God is so good.
I'm so happy to hear you like the music I've been creating as well. There are so many ways to glorify God and I'm thankful I get to share some of these creative projects with you! God bless you too!
It makes me sad how they delete and ban your videos and at the same time we have evil content go viral and perpetuates ignorance and deception further.
I still get a bit tempted because It was my dream since childhood and brainwashing too of course 😂, Yes it makes you wonder how many others out there see them and don't even know it's all lies and propaganda. It's a good reminder to keep doing our best to reach the lost.
That's so true it makes the difference in ways we can't even begin to comprehend, not to mention the countless blessings we don't see.
As soon as I wake up I love to give thanks to God for not forgetting to wake me up, for me that's the first of many many beautiful blessings during each day.
That's good 😄, so true, it's a wonderful blessing and inspiring to see your fruits for the honor and glory of God.
Thank you for all you do, The Lord be with you always! Glory to the King of Kings! :)
Wow, that is tough. I'm thankful God spared you from that life, brother. It's beautiful that you start each day by expressing gratitude to God for the gift of life and the many blessings that follow. Your commitment to using your blessings to honor and glorify God is commendable!!
Thank you for your encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you as we navigate this journey of spreading truth in a world that often seems shrouded in wickedness. All glory to the King of Kings! 🙏✨
I invite you to join the Flat Earth Bible community. I hope this community helps to break the globe programming for some and encourage those that are already in the know.
Always great to get your insight on the things going on. I've done so much to try and ignore the lies and deception, but how can we ? Especially when I try to show others. I know I'm labeled the conspiracy theorist in my family. However, some are starting to question finally. I think it's becoming more and more obvious. Your past videos ( I've seen them all ) have really gave me a ton to think about and pay attention too.
When I shared that information, friends and family ( including Christian friends ) rolled their eyes and shook their heads. " Don't get ahead of yourself Bill " heard it more than a dozen times. Yet, as we move closer, the questions are coming. How do you know? You were right. What's next ? It goes on and on.
I won't say I'm right, I just say I'm aware and I'm paying attention. Most people don't understand how deep this really is. Spiritual Warefare at its best. That's always my answer. God is bigger than anything we can imagine.
I plan to get a group together and have them watch the videos you produced over the years and have some good conversations. Encourage them to subscribe and research as well. We all need to be on the right side of history. God has Already won. We just have to finish well. Even if it's a marathon. Thanks for all you do !! Praying with you.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your experiences with me! I'm glad that my videos have been helpful in sparking conversations and encouraging others to question and seek truth. I appreciate you sharing my work more than you know!
It can certainly be challenging to navigate the world of misinformation and deception, especially when it comes to discussing these topics with friends and family. But remember that by remaining aware and paying attention, you are fostering curiosity and questioning in those around you. Ultimately all we’re trying to do is glorify God and lead others to Jesus!
You are absolutely right—God has already won, and our job is to stay the course and finish well. Your commitment to seeking truth and sharing it with others is truly commendable and encouraging! I love this community and you all bring me more strength and comfort than you know.
Please know that I am praying with you and for you as you continue to navigate these complex issues. May God bless you and your efforts to point others to our Lord and Savior Jesus!
Don’t give up friend. You will be surprised the seeds you are sowing. I don’t mean to go on and on where it irritates ppl but you have done your job by saying anything at all. Most wont even speak up! God bless you and know you are doing the right thing. Don’t let em get u down! Much love.. Kimbo
That is a great idea! I was thinking the same thing to do with my side of our parents, I highly doubt my other side will listen..maybe. im glad and thankful that they have been starting to see what you have been sharing with them and showing them! Hallelujah!
God bless you and yours too sister. Thank you and may the peace, grace, love, joy and self-control of the Lord be with us. 🕊
Thank you! God bless and protect you as well brother!
Thanks Alexandra. Great job with adding to your work. You have touched on much of this previously and it is most amazing that the formula seems to be holding (as) true. I feel all the more reason to share the gospel in a way that helps people to understand it is more than just words it is answering the question "What kind of relationship do you have with Jesus?", or even better yet, "what does it mean to you to let Jesus into your heart?". Thank you for continuing to share your insights and research. We want to get the message out as much as possible to the "truth". Blessings in Christ.
Thank you brother! I couldn’t agree with you more. Now is the time to share the Gospel like never before. Your new approach is brilliant and I will absolutely be incorporating these open ended questions more into my real life. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement.
God bless and protect you!
Do you think that TikTok’s potential removal has a bigger purpose behind the scenes? I don’t believe such an app, either the influence and filling that TikTok has, would be banned for Chinese surveillance, intelligence or whatever the supposed reason was. I think all the world powers are in it together so I don’t know why this app would be banned if not for some ulterior motive .
Absolutely. There’s definitely a strategy at play here. Time will tell for sure, but it makes me sick that the powers that shouldn’t be will ban this but leave up all of the things that are illegal and or detrimental to society.
That’s exactly what gets me and shows me what is real! All these awful sites like on the dark web that could be snapped in a heartbeat.. if they wanted. There is something more to this.
What if SOMEONE purchases/saves tiktok in the nick of time? That person might look like some type of hero . . . especially to the younger generation.
I believe Trump is the "third carpenter" spoken of in the prophecy in Zech 1:18-21 (after every "horn" that frayed/scattered Israel came/comes a carpenter to rebuild Israel).
- Horn 1 was Nebuchadnezzer
- Carpenter 1 was Cyrus
- Horn 2 was Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Carpenter 2 was Judas Maccabeus
- Horn 3 was Titus in 70 AD (temple destroyed)
- Carpenter 3 IS AND WILL BE Donald Trump and he will rebuild the temple in Israel -- and this WILL be a short-lived "Golden Age" for the world . . .
- Horn 4 will be the future Antichrist (who will stand in the temple and demand worship as god, so there must be a temple and the Tribulation is right around the corner
- Carpenter 4 will be Jesus Christ, after his second advent.
Credit for this teaching goes to Pastor Matt Crane, who is an incredible Bible teacher.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s going to be interesting to see what happens for sure.
Regarding the rebuilding of the temple, (and Dispensationalism in general) I feel it's important to note that this idea is rooted in Jewish tradition and the Talmud, but it isn't explicitly stated in the Bible as a requirement for future events. Scripture tells us that believers themselves are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I pray God bless and protect you during these crazy times!
Yes, I know this is an area (one of the very few) in which you and I disagree and no worries on my end. I truly believe it is vital to understand that God spoke differently to different people at different times (throughout history) and so this is how I read and interpret scripture. I disagree in it's roots but hey, that's the great thing about being able to dialog in a respectful manner, especially on matters that are not essential doctrines. Yes -- we will absolutely see what happens!!! Love you, girl.
Love your attitude! I appreciate your thoughts and perspectives. I’m super interested to know more of how you reconcile the roots and your beliefs. I’m always happy to learn more and appreciate you sharing your understandings and findings. Thanks for being here along the way and I look forward to watching it all unfold with you! Love you too sis 💖
" In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9Having made known unto us the MYSTERY of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: 10That in the DISPENSATION of the FULNESS OF TIMES he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:"
"Times" is plural denoting tme periods...and clearly in a 4500 year time span collection of books where God is dealing with many generations of differnet peoples, there are differing circumstances and revelations along the way.
the 12 Apostols didnt even understand the death burial and ressurection until AFTER Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD! this is why MOST of Matt Mark Luke John is NOT to or for chrisians and is still in the OLD covenant.. Jesus revealed THAT as a MYSTERY to Paul post ressurection and Paul had to explain THAT to the JEWISH apostols who at that point had ONLY went to JEWS with the KINGDOM message. Paul tells Peter..with some resistace from Peter, then Peter saw the truth and was the first to public proclaim that gosple t Jews first at the Pentecost feast, wher the Holy Spirit decended on them and they being Jews spoke tounges to the non-jews who in turnred and belived and were also seal with the Holy Spirt! as we are to this day until the first rapture(of THREE that is to come). Pre, mid and post trib for three seperarte groups. i used to not understand this but now its very clear and makes the bible complete and whole.
Not understnading these timelines is why ppl think we in the church age can lose salvation, do into the great trib etc.. all b/c they can not RIGHTLY DIVIDE gots words and appropriate the correct gospel to the correct situation.
Dude (or dudette?) . . . I could not have said it better. Agreed -- I used to have the hardest time reconciling how future events mentioned in the Bible that were written for the Tribulation Jews were meant for us, the Church. Rightly dividing the Word is the only way the scriptures have come alive for me.
Ty Its sad how much this now simple seeming understanding has deraled SO many, myself included at a point..
and "Dude". lol
yes the church and Israel are seperate and go throug seperate trials..
Unfortunately you are misapplying interpretations and using non inspired writings. According to Danie and the image that God gave Daniel and the interpretation, the last two kingdoms before Jesus comes, were Rome, then Papal Rome, or the Papacy "little horn", then Jesus the Rock that smites the image on the feet of clay and iron. The kingdoms before Papal Rome and Rome. were, Greece, Medo-Persia, and Babylon. So, according to the Bible in Daniel and Revelation there is only one horn, the "little horn" which is Catholicism. This is also what all the reformers taught, and what the Protestant Church used to teach.
I believe donald trump is the antiChrist. Do you have any info to prove that he is not? I'm open ears.
I have a whole video you can check out here:
Also, I'd like to put out there that a brother whom you know of has put together info and shared it giving the idea that trump could or is most likely the antiChrist. Would you be interested in seeing it just to see it? I know that I did not test the influwhere I first got the idea from, but there are things I've seen and heard that really make me think that the influence is the Holy Spirit..though I know that the enemy can really make himself look and sound like God and really mislead people EASILY if they don't know God's word well.
there are many who do things that are "antichrist" but "The" antichrist proclaims himself to BE God...
DT gave credit TO God several times just today...he is just a man who claims to be a Christian.. who, however, seems to have himself entangled by "antichrists" around him ( preists) etc..due to his position and status.
Also the Pope denounced one of his actions recently which was the reversal of the insane border policies.. which one of the two seems more likely to be an antichrist?
donald proclaims to be a Chrustian and i hope he is trusting the correct gosple of salvation and not just saying "i believe in jesus" without understanding/appling the gosple of salvation (1 Corinthians 15) to himself..
I feel a high %90 of professing Cristinas dont know the true gosple from being tied into some weird denomination or going to "churches" that never preach it..
I think DT is a guy who means well but is just slighly enough off the path with ppl around him..
Also, ive recently learned that the masons have created their own holy bible. It looks at least at first like ours, but its not as far as I've seen. The pope is NOT to be trusted one bit.
yes they have made a "bible unto themselves" no dispute there. Thats been happenng since the NT books were still eing written as Paul says "for we are not as many that CORRUPT the word of God" nothing new, satans been at work for a LOOOONG time:)
thats why i actually do NOT recommend "reading various versions" recommend learning which one come from non corrupt lines and stay in the one from the non corrupt and most refined line of manuscripts. otherwise you make "a bible unto YOURSELF" and just cause confusion..
ive researched and am aware of all the corrupt scripture versions vs. those from the correct line of manuscripts. The correct line, coming from the Majority Text(from antioch, and preserved in the Textus Receptus, includes: Wycliffe Bible, Tyndale Bible, Coverdale Bible, Matthew’s Bible, Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops’ Bible, and ultimately the King James Version (KJV).
On the other hand, the corrupt Alexandrian line includes: Douay-Rheims, Revised Version (RV), American Standard Version (ASV), Revised Standard Version (RSV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), New Living Translation (NLT), Christian Standard Bible (CSB), and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), among others. these should be burned lol
What’s incredible is that the KJV is considered the final refinement of the English Bible, fulfilling the promise in Psalm 12:6-7 where God said His Word would be preserved and refined, “as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Refinement means improvement over time, and the KJV represents the culmination of centuries of faithful translations from the correct line of manuscripts. It was also created at the perfect time in history, when the English language was at its peak for clarity and precision.
Not only that, but the KJV is the most widely used Bible of all time, which again shows God’s providence—He knew this would be the case! He ensured that His Word would be preserved in a way that would endure and be accessible to the world, even in these times of confusion and deception.
This refinement and widespread use are what make the KJV unique. It wasn’t just another translation—it was the result of God’s promise to preserve and purify His Word, knowing the challenges of apostasy and corruption we’d face today. Modern translations from the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts stray further from the truth, but the KJV remains the most accurate and faithful reflection of God’s Word.
The King James Version translators rendered the Greek word “ekklesia,” meaning “assembly” or “congregation,” as “church” under explicit instructions from King James.
Rule 3 of the translation guidelines required retaining “old ecclesiastical words,” aligning with the Church of England’s hierarchical structure and theology.
This choice obscured the original meaning, fostering ideas of a universal, institutional church and hierarchical governance rather than emphasizing local assemblies of believers….Earlier translators like William Tyndale had used “congregation” to reflect the term’s intent more accurately.
ou know, Tyndale’s Bible was absolutely groundbreaking for its time. It was the first English translation done directly from the Greek (Textus Receptus) and Hebrew (Masoretic Text), so without it, we probably wouldn’t even have the KJV. Fun fact—80-90% of the KJV New Testament is straight-up based on Tyndale’s work. That being said, the KJV did improve on it in some key ways.
For example, Tyndale left out a few verses, like 1 John 5:7 and Luke 17:36, even though they’re in the Textus Receptus. The KJV included those, so it’s more complete. Also, Tyndale used "congregation" instead of "church" when translating ekklesia, which made sense for his Protestant perspective, but honestly, it didn’t change the meaning at all. The word “church” works better in English anyway—it covers both local gatherings and the universal body of Christ, so the KJV translators nailed that balance.
Another thing is some of Tyndale’s word choices, like using "love" instead of "charity" in 1 Corinthians 13. While "love" works, "charity" gets closer to the deeper, self-sacrificial love the passage is talking about. Plus, since Tyndale didn’t finish the whole Bible before his execution, his work was left incomplete. The KJV had 85 more years of scholarship, 47 translators working together, and access to more manuscripts to refine and polish the text. It fixed Tyndale’s omissions and made everything more consistent and precise.
So yeah, while the whole ekklesia = congregation vs. church thing is really a non-issue because it doesn’t change the meaning, the KJV still has the upper hand overall. It’s just more complete, accurate, and refined...which was my overall point :)
Dt is a Mason and a VERY high ranking Mason at that, the god he serves is NOT the God we serve. There is proof out there that shows the true person he is.
I’ve seen the claims about Donald Trump being connected to Freemasonry, with some saying he’s a high-ranking Mason or tied to groups like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. While he’s omitted from lists of former presidents who were Freemasons, it’s very common for people of his status to get caught up in fraternal orders by some proxy. There are things he adorns and participates in that would suggest this could be the case. If you’ve got solid sources or links confirming these claims, I’d like to see em.
Regardless of that, my point still stands. The Bible doesn’t promise us perfect Christian leaders. In fact, most leaders in history—even in Israel and Judah—were far from godly. 1st and 2nd Kings are full of examples of rulers who “did evil in the sight of the Lord,” yet God’s plans still moved forward. All we can do is choose the “lesser of two evils,” because endlessly pessimistic attitudes and sitting on our hands usually let the “more evil” take hold. That almost happened this last election. Whether Trump is connected to Freemasonry or not doesn’t change the fact that he did good in reversing harmful border policies—policies the Pope denounced, which says a lot about where the Pope stands.
To be clear, I never said Trump should be blindly trusted. I also never said the Pope is trustworthy. Quite the opposite—I think the Pope is far more of an antichrist figure. The idea of the papacy itself goes against Scripture (Matthew 23:9), and the Vatican’s long history of corruption and false doctrine proves it’s not aligned with God’s Word. The fact that the Pope criticized Trump for reversing bad policies only highlights the kind of agenda the Pope represents. I find the assertion that trump is "the antichrist" to be "lacking"..
What I’m more concerned about is how few people truly understand the Gospel of salvationand are foloowing Jesus's earthly kindom ministry to JEWS instead of the gosple he gave AFTER his ressurection TO PAUL. Paul lays it out plainly in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. That’s the Gospel, and it’s what saves—not empty traditions, and nothing from Matt, mark ,Luke John. not just saying “I believe in Jesus” without knowing what that even means, and certainly not putting our trust in flawed human one is sayin trump is "a savior" in the context of salvation..he is simply a lesser of two evils who is most likely as mislsed as %90+ ppl I see that claim to be "Christians" who cant understand or properly divide scriprture properly and it IS "DIVIDE" ..not "handle" lol
By the way, what Bible version are you reading? I’m curious, cuz a lot of modern translations, especially those based on Alexandrian manuscripts, distort key Scriptures. Versions like the KJV, which come from the Majority Text, are way more accurate. It’s important to be rooted in the right source if we’re gonna talk about God’s Word.
So whether or not Trump is connected to Freemasonry, the bigger point is that no leader is ever gonna be perfect. God uses flawed people all the time. Leaders aren’t our hope—Christ is. Let’s focus on the Gospel and what Scripture actually says instead of getting sidetracked by speculation. If you have proof of these claims tho, feel free to share it. I’d genuinely like to see it. God bless
Boy this is going to probably be a long discussion..
I used to believe in the whole lesser than two evils, don't anymore and I've also learned that the whole voting thing is a delusion as a lot of other things in the world is that comes from the darkness.
Your calling him a Christian? You can't be a true Christian and be living the way he chooses, then again you havent seen what I have. Any other Christian brothers and sisters here are welcome to check the brothers account and channel out, if you spot something that is for sure open to hear ya out. But I don't think this brother would do that as I've been watching him and he looks sincere about his work, as I'm sure sister alexandra is also.
Hi first i want to applogize if i seemed to rash and just clarify that i wasnt saying to outright trust him at all and i do feel your points.
I wasnt calling him a Christian, i was saying that he robably considers himself a "Chsristian" but is most likely following false doctrines, but I also meant that i think there are a LOT of pp who profess to be Christians who think they are b/c they "go to church" or "belive in Jesus" but dont actually trust the salvation gospel, so im sorry if i was vague or unclear.
i am also not doubting that he is of some fraternal order or possibly the hermetic order of the golden dawn, im just saying its tough to pin him to one thing, but he def speaks the language.
Funny thing: i saw that "Prayer service" today ad WHOAAAA MAAN, was that quite a display of a parade of the world mystery religion gumbo!!!
aand that was kinda my overall point: i think DT thinks hes just being a "goodguy" who means well and wants to be a "unifier", HOWEVER he will simply just end up usering in UNIVERSALISM as we painfully watched todat in all its wretched "glory'!
so i think that through his good interntions he will be misled to be the one who facilitates the back door/ trojan horse that will be used BY the true Antichrist, but he himself not being the antichrist, as i belive THAT will maybe be someone at the seat of one of these mystery religions most likley a POPE.. and then He will give power to the "angel of Light"..
whew buckle up!
Thanks for stickin with me, ive REALLY been couped up lately and mu mind has been going 100 differening directions and thisgroup is a place i find mnay interesting viewpoints and appreciate everyone i talk to..i know i can be a handful LOL
Try looking up mana daily podcasts on youtube and Instagram, lots of videos and lots of slides with a summary of info to go with it. I'd pair this brothers info with sisters Alexandra's info that she has shared, both are a very good sources of info from true Christians.
Also, there is a documentary about dt in his younger years. Haven't seen it yet, but ive seen some stuff that is supposedly from it and it's Very interesting. Its called wheres my roy cohn? . Heard its very good!
I've heard he said he left it too which led me to increase my interest in supporting him when I used to, now I see more as I've been learning more. I used to be deceived about him, now I'm not. He might not do this or that anymore of other things..BUT there are some that state that the "incident" that happened at a rally before he "got" voted back in was a ritual or something like that. There is a lot to know about how the masons work and what they believe, it's something you'd have to do a lot of research on and of course be careful along the way.
Believe what you want, but I believe what ive seen and heard alongside sources that it is true.
To clarify ONE small thing too i didnt mean "nothing" from matt mark luke and john", as they do end at a time when the correct gosple was reveled to them as well, however that was all AFTER Jesus's death burial and ressurection.. I meant their going out to Jews as jesus before His sacrifec to ALL of them go NOT to the gentiles clearly and it was AFTER his ressurection and revelation to Paul where Paul then informed them of the mystery of that gosple eventually written in 1 corinthinas 15..
which is going tobring me to another important discussion that might not be popular, but the Lord wants me to at least try to another "clean" thread
For years I’ve been trying to figure out what’s coming, and I’m constantly reminded that the Smith-Mundt Act was “modernized” back in the Obama administration. That modification now allows for the U.S. government to propagandize its citizens. That change was not repealed by Trump, and not repealed by Biden… so, do you think we’re being propagandized from all sides? Absolutely! Can we discern the truth of what’s coming within a sea of propaganda? Probably not… but we can track their actions and see where they take things.
My 2c’s is that our economy/banking system is such a MASSIVELY delicate house of cards that no major changes can happen without a collapse, so the focus will be retaining the foundational constitutional system while removing the corruption and illegality. They’ve been shuffling assets behind the scenes for years, seemingly to bolster the system and prep it for the changes (cleaning) that’s coming. There’s no NESARA/GESARA, there’s no “reset”, but there will be a deep cleaning… at least from what I can see.
Absolutely. The propaganda is strong. I think we’ll have some golden carrots dangled before us but they’ll be empty promises. Reminds me of Satan in Matthew 4!
"so the focus will be retaining the foundational constitutional system while removing the corruption and illegality."
ALL Ive ever really wanted: Recognize the corruption of the system and root it out: NO "new system" no "escape the system" just apply it properly.
We will NEVER as mankind have a perfect ruler besides the KING Lord Jesus Christ! until He rules, ALL of mans rule ultimately has a hint or flat out evil nature: wheras the constitutional republic is the BEST "evil" we will ever have.... God bless ya brother
Spot on! There have been some weird things happening in the background for years, but one has to really stop and look to see them, for they’re done quietly and compartmentalized. People in power know of the corruption, for that’s the focus of executive order 13818 and others. I know about it because I’m in the midst of it in my workplace (and I know why EO13818 declares it a “state of emergency” level of corruption, for it’s terrifyingly deep and pervasive!). The corruption is “infiltration” of existing overall-good-intentioned and well-framed systems; it’s not any distinctly explicit entity (evil always hides within). It’s all driven by evil, greed, and the devil, and it can’t be ripped out because that will gut our society. It has to be surgically removed. It can never be fully eradicated, but it can definitely be mitigated.
Everything that’s happening reminds me of the Book of Job, where Job and his friends try to “figure out” God and His ways, and God comes down and delivers a long and sharp rebuke that we mere mortals are no one to understand the ways of God, for we’re not capable. We’ll never know what’s truly happening, but I have complete faith and trust that God has His hand in it.
That's interesting about the book of job, ive never seen it that way. I myself have trying to figure things out just trying to see things from God point of view. I do also try to see things the way He sees things, I don't think there is anything wrong with that, is there?
Nothing wrong with that at all! Actually, I think that is fantastic! We are made in His image, and I think He would love that we try to emulate Him (I see that in that God restored Job and his wealth as He liked that Job constructively questioned Him, and understood and grew from God’s response… just like a good father would do with a child they love).
We just shouldn’t try and make statements “for” Him, in place of His Word (as Job’s friends did (and had to pay penance for)).
I see it as a loving father/child relationship. We are to listen to our father, obey him, and emulate him, but we overstep our bounds when we speak for him or create explanations for his actions without him telling us (for we don’t know).
We are made in His image, and we are the only creatures on this earth that can innovatively create (as we are of the ultimate Creator), and I think He wants us to utilize that, keep asking questions, and keep seeking His guidance 🙏🏼
Oh boy do I agree! It’s just more lies. Smith muntz act i learned about years ago. Nobody I know knew about it or cares.. well maybe a cpl.
What a coincidence- the "Tax fix" has me banging my head on a desk due to the SIMPLE "fix" that has been a misappliction of the laws. the solution used to be understood by ALL prior to the 1940s yet now only one in a million comprehend it..
I left this comment yesterday and i feel very confindent that it is REALLy what shoul be implemented(actually it IS already implemneted and the taxs laws are the SAME since the 1860s - the 16 amendment ONLY addresed a "source" connection to "income".. MY Letter to the president as follows:
To The President of the United States,
Mr. President, I know you want to revamp the IRS and address issues like abolishing certain taxes or restructuring the system. However, the solution is simpler than that, and it’s entirely constitutional. The real problem lies in the misapplication of federal income tax laws. The tax was never meant to apply to ordinary Americans earning private wages. It’s specifically for federally connected earnings and profits derived from taxable activities—not private compensation for labor.
**Examples of Misapplication:**
The Federal Reserve is supposed to pay, Nancy Pelosi is supposed to pay, those who profit from federally connected privileges, use federally connected property, or engage in any business trade whatsoever that’s federally connected are supposed to 'put back' into the system, but we are tricked into signing declarations that magically transform our private earnings into 'income' instead. If I mow your lawn, that’s private earning—nontaxable. If I mow the post office lawn, that’s 'income' because it’s federally connected. It’s THAT simple. The misapplication of this tax is what has bloated this beast against us.
If you truly want to fix the system, focus on enforcing the law as it’s written and ensuring the tax applies only to those engaged in federally taxable activities. This approach is fair, constitutional, and restores the integrity of our tax system.
For a deeper understanding of this issue, I urge you to reference Peter Hendrickson’s book, *Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America,* and visit his website at 'www dot losthorizons dot com'. These resources comprehensively outline how federal income tax laws are often misinterpreted and how they should be properly applied. Additionally, I recommend visiting 'www dot losthorizons dot com/BulletinBoard dot htm', a page showcasing the filings of individuals who have properly filed under these principles.
**The Core Issue at Hand:**
The current discourse often misses the primary point: federal income tax, when applied properly, is not a burden meant for ordinary American citizens earning compensation for their labor. Instead, it is designed for federal office holders, employees, and individuals engaged in federally taxable activities deriving gains or profits as defined under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
The Supreme Court’s ruling in *Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co.* (240 U.S. 1, 1916) reaffirmed that the 16th Amendment did not create a new taxing power but clarified Congress’s authority to tax income without apportionment. Judicial interpretations, such as in *Eisner v. Macomber* (252 U.S. 189, 1920), have consistently defined “income” as gain or profit derived from capital or labor—not merely the compensation for one’s work.
**Why This Matters:**
Every misstep in the application of federal income tax laws perpetuates injustice and erodes trust in the system. The tax code is clear, yet its enforcement often exceeds its rightful boundaries, ensnaring individuals whose earnings do not constitute “income” as legally defined. This overreach is not only unconstitutional but fundamentally unfair.
**A Simple Solution:**
Rather than calling for sweeping changes or abolishment, I urge you to focus on the following:
1. **Enforce the Law as Written:** Apply federal income tax to individuals and entities engaged in taxable activities as outlined in the IRC. Ensure that those who earn federally defined “income” pay their fair share, while ordinary compensation for labor is recognized as outside this definition.
2. **Educate and Inform:** Equip both the public and enforcement agencies with a clear understanding of the proper scope of federal income tax laws. Transparency will foster compliance and fairness.
3. **Lead by Example:** Advocate for reforms that align with constitutional principles and judicial precedents, ensuring that taxation serves its rightful purpose without burdening those it was never meant to target.
**A Call to Action:**
Mr. President, the stakes are high. The American people are watching. By addressing this issue with clarity and resolve, you can restore faith in our tax system and ensure that its application upholds the principles of justice and equity.
I trust in your commitment to fairness and constitutional governance. Let us work together to ensure that federal income tax laws serve their true purpose and are applied properly to those they were meant to affect.
FOLLOW the links look at he reseources - we do NOT need a "FIX.. we need PROPER APPLICATION.
God Bless 1 Corinthians 15 kjv
this letter was actually sent, this is NOT just for the comments here ;)
If anyone agrees with it, pls feel free to copy/paste it.. im writing a "for dummies" book based on the facts of the matter and writings of Mr Henderickson..who has shrouded a solution that ALL need to understand, into a format that most in 2025 cannot, sadly.. so Ill step in and make it more "digestable"!
Thanks for another timely article, Alexandra! And another warning not to be deceived.
Perhaps a better name for this time period would be the Golden Age of Deception.
I can't stop thinking of 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 -- "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
I can't help but feel that the shadow of this strong delusion has already fallen over the world and its false light is getting darker and darker every day.
And the only way to avoid being deceived is to have the True Light burning as bright as possible in our hearts, to stay grounded in the Word, focused like a laser beam on the true Jesus of Nazareth, taking up our cross day by day to follow Him, putting to death the old man, being crucified with Christ, not loving our lives even unto the death, walking in the Holy Spirit, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, praying without ceasing, loving our enemies, humbling ourselves before God, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. Walk the walk. Talk the talk. Fight the good fight. Endure unto the end. Be salt and light. Occupy until He comes. Love God. Love our neighbors. Love our enemies. Love one another.
We have to let the glory of God shine through us so much that it outshines the false light of the enemy. I believe that's exactly why God put all of us here in this time. To bear witness unto the True Light of Jesus Christ in this age when the darkness of deception is so very dark.
I love the article title idea: “the Golden Age of Deception” - you’re making me want to make another 2-3 hour long documentary XD I agree with you on 2nd Thess 2:11. I believe it’s already upon us. Speaking of, our words are so eloquent and straightforward that I’d love to use this comment in a video in the future as well, if it’s ok with you! Thank you for your insights and wisdom. I always look forward to hearing from you! God bless you brother.
I also suppose since Richard is saying the "shadow" of the delusion is upon us" and how staying in the word and having the truth is the way to avoid being fooled, which is in alignment contextually, so it is possible we are aligning in thought but just arriving in a different "vehicle of thought".. i supposed ive misinterpreted the OC as a generalization and just wanted the "target hit" more directly.. just my nature i suppose..
But.. the whole chapter is not about general deception upon the world..The whole chapter is about the coming of the Lord, our GATHERING unto Him and how that will not happen until there is a falling away first and that the Son of perdition is actually revealed..
"Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
Its talking specifically about the return of Lucifer & the fallen and that the unbeliveing world will belive him to be God and god's angels..
It will be all due to them not finding the word of TRUTH beforhand..fooling the secular unbelivers and the "elect" unbeliveing nation of israel..
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
11 And for THIS CAUSE God shall send THEM strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: ( "A lie", not "lies" its a specific lie)
Thats NOT for us who believe the gosple of salation NOW- because we dont not fit into the "for this cause" group.
"Whereunto he called YOU by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Im sad that im unpopular now due to my belief shift(toward a more dispensational one i suppose-assumption)..but i see this as having much more depth than just some general deception being "upon us"...(that IS TRUE I agree there is deception of all sorts everywhere) but, to me, it seems clearly apparent that this chapter is a SPECIFIC situation of the fallen away world who reject the gospel of salvation..
and their reward is being sent a very strong delusion.. That the "Angel of light" is "god"
The Lord will not come and we will not be gathered until that event is upon the world... THAT Is why i belive ther IS a pre trib rapture of the church, because that event signals the beginning of jacobs trouble.. as the secular world and israel (where the temple he sits) will be...
You explained it perfectly, never said better.
God bless you! 😄
Amen brother! The deception has already been upon us! Your articulation of walking with Christ is phenomenal... thank you! Praise the Father and the Son for this community! 🙏 🙌 Yahuah God bless you!
You bring up a great point about 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and the growing darkness in the world. While there is certainly deception now, I believe the "strong delusion" spoken of in that passage is something yet to come and will occur specifically during the Tribulation period. Right now, we see the groundwork being laid—a "shadow" of sorts—but the full strong delusion will align with the rise of the Antichrist and the events of the Tribulation. It will involve Satan and his fallen angels presenting themselves as “God” and his angels, deceiving the world into worshiping the Beast. This delusion will be so powerful that those who have rejected the truth will fully believe the lie.
As for my opinion of what the Bible teaches about this topic, here’s how I understand it:
My opinions brother,
While the world is deceptive on almost all counts.."The strong delusion", in my opinion is much deeper & comes after the pre-tribulation rapture of the true Church(thats right I said it)—those saved now by trusting in the gospel of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). and we are actually much fewer than one may think..that becomes more evident to me daily.
The Church is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), meaning true believers cannot take the Mark of the Beast or be part of this delusion. we can NOT be told that we are SEALED to the day of redemption AND simultaneously "take the mark". this understanding has changed my thoughts into more of a dispensational mindset which i came to realize actually makes the most sense.
After the 1st pre trib rapture, confusion will reign, and many will misinterpret it, possibly as an "alien abduction," due to the deception and lies already at work in the world...and the fact that most ppl who call themselves "christians" actually are not saved, think they can lose salvaton, so are NOT atually trusting in Christs PERFECT work for them. most of the catholic "church", the other hell-spawned denominations/ churchianity folk will remain.."so of course it couldnt be the may go mostly UNSEEN... this is why the world and the "elect" Israel will fall for the "Angel of light".
During the Tribulation, we see three groups involved in rapture events:
Pre-Tribulation Rapture: The Church (true believers) is taken before the Tribulation, spared from God’s wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
Mid-Tribulation Rapture: Those saved during the Tribulation, including the 144,000 sealed Jews, who preach the everlasting gospel: “Fear God... worship him that made heaven” (Revelation 14:6-7). Their warning is clear: don’t worship the Beast or take his mark. Many who heed this are martyred and raptured at this point. thats the tribulation saints, they die FOR Jesus while we trust that he died for US! so we( who belive this) are spared.
Post-Tribulation Rapture: Those who endure to the end, including the faithful remnant of Israel and Gentiles who remain steadfast despite persecution, are gathered when Christ returns (Matthew 24:29-31).
So while deception is rampant now, it’s not yet the strong delusion described in 2 Thessalonians 2:11. For us today, the best way to stay vigilant is exactly as you described—being grounded in God’s Word, walking in the Spirit, and letting the light of Christ shine through us. But the hope we hold as believers is that we’re sealed and secured by God, and we look forward to Christ’s return, trusting His plan as it unfolds in His perfect timing. and when he returns at the end of that period WE RETURN WITH HIM IN GLORY and IMMORTAL into the millenial kingdom!
That’s how I see it based on scripture.
Thank you for another enlightening post. We are no doubt being judged by our Father for all the crimes that "we the people" have allowed to be committed by our so called "elected representatives". I'm sure I speak for a lot of brothers and sisters in this fellowship that it's a struggle to know, besides sharing what God has been revealing within our circles of influence, continuing to share Jesus and loving our neighbors, prayer, supporting ministry's that are actually doing good (like yours!) and clear direction from the Holy Spirit, how I can best be used by God in this present darkness. Two verses that are worth committing to memory are Phil 4:6-7 and James 1:2-3. Interesting now as I think back to some of the people I knew from my "institutional church" days who were likely aware of most of what we now know to be conspiracies and deceptions whom many of us believed were "drinking the cool aid" when in fact we were the ones that had no eyes to see and no ears to hear. Regarding the TikTok ban, I would recommend that anyone creating content of any kind start looking at FOSS (free and open source software) alternatives as the "powers that should not be" are working overtime to close all the exits for those speaking and spreading truth. I'd like to say something regarding this platform but don't want to risk getting any "strikes" against your account. If we are allowed to share truth in the digital realm in the future, it will not be through closed source platforms that will bow to the pressures of the beast system. On a personal note, I ask all my sold out brothers and sisters in Christ here for prayer that my wonderful wife would get relief from a life threatening intestinal blockage that is temporarily being relieved by a stomach drain tube and intravenous nutrition. Due to the corrupt medical industrial complex and the brainwashed automotons that believe they are actually helping people with their poisons and "expert" opinions, we can not find a surgeon that will even consider a surgical option and insist on teeing up to her allopathic oncologist who believes the only way to "treat" it is with a "new" chemo drug. We know how bad this is for her and are well aware of how broken and evil the oncogene cancer approach is and have tried many natural approaches, but at this point our hands are tied as she won't survive much longer if her system doesn't get unblocked. We have no doubt that God is in control of all of this and can give her relief, if that is His will. Appreciate you Alexandra and all my brothers and sisters in Christ that are part of this fellowship. Keep fighting the good fight until God decides to call us home from the battlefield!
Thank you brother Maxx for the encouragement and your wise insights! Your wife is in my prayers and my heart goes out to you! Me and others here are here for you anytime! Thank you again for your advice and words of wisdom, I appreciate you! Praying miracles and healing in your life!
"I ask all my sold out brothers and sisters in Christ here for prayer"
prayers for your wife despite being labeled "sold out".
look into only consuming proeins and fats. i havent eaten carbs or sugars in over a year and I feel 20 years younger...
Best song yet! great "synth-pop" 80's vibe and aesthetics! brilliant!
Thank you! I thought you’d like the style! I was going for a “hypnogogic-pop” sound to go with the technological theme.
ya thought correctly! :)
"what ya up too?"
"Me..? Oh just lampin' in my yellow room layin back suckin on a lemon with some fench fried(bad for you), hypnogogic poppin, while staring at the static on the sceen"
"you?" LOL
Is your Q Movement video still available anywhere? Have checked Substack, Odysee, etc, but can't find it.
So enjoy and appreciate your work. I learned of your work via Scott Shara of Deprogramming with Grace's Dad a few months ago and watched a lot of your videos. The research your presented there pulled together so much of various pieces of intuition that I hadn't been able to make sense of. Many, many things remain with me, and one in particular was your sharing that in retrospect you would have moved on from digging into the masons sooner than you did.
This helped me move on from the compulsion to try to pull together facts to help people see the evil agendas and to turn the focus instead to the goodness in the world, namely the word of God and the restoration possible through Christ. Shortly after that, the opportunity to lead bible studies at a local jail arose and other things have unfolded.
I am grateful to read your work - it's keen eye on visible events but with overriding focus on the spiritual battle and calling to keep Christ front and center.
Thank you so much for this comment sis! I appreciate your words of encouragement more than you know. Sadly, I don't even have the file for the original Q video. It was on my laptop that has since died and my computer tech couldn't retrieve it (along with a few other early videos). I've learned a lot since then and have invested in external hardrives!
I'm incredibly grateful that my own experience with moving on from certain types of research helped you as well! There's a point where we know enough, we get the picture, and can still help others see the dangers of the occult but without knowing every detail or connection. As you said, ultimately what matters is sharing the true Gospel and pointing others to Jesus. It's so amazing that you got the opportunity to lead bible studies in a jail! God is so good and I'm sure you're impacting more lives than you know.
Let's keep Jesus front and center through these turbulent times and I pray He protect and bless you! Can't wait to hug you one day in Heaven!
And you as well, Sister! Thank you.
Bless you Alexandria, I will follow you all the way to Heaven ❤️
Let's follow Jesus Christ all our days until we're united in Heaven! Can't wait to give you a hug up there ^-^
Wow. I cannot believe they removed your video(s). Youtube is the worsttube.
I know quite a few folks who deal with the same thing. It's rough out there! I'm thankful I have more freedom on Substack.
Alexandra, it's so wonderful and exciting to see something new you've created!
Thank you for this update! Your work is always very well written and your songs give the readers a beautifully polished articulation of your work!
I absolutely agree with you! Something is going to happen with the monetary system... the question is, what will it be?... and when?
I pray with you against the evil plans the powers that shouldn't be are concocting... and for those who suffered in the LA fires... as well as keeping watch and guarding my heart through the faith and good works of Jesus Messiah 🙌 in His precious name, Yahusha Ha' Maschiach, Amen 🙏
I've been diligently researching and reading the holy scriptures, and recently learned something so interesting that I must share!...
In the days of the disciples... the Pharisees despised, insulted, and mocked the early followers of Messiah for keeping His teachings... they were called the Natsarim.
the hebrew word Natsar: to guard; watchman
Google will tell you it means Nazarene... but when I looked it up in my tangible Interlinear Hebrew/Greek Bible, it states the above definition 👆... I find this so interesting!
Thank you again, and many blessings and peace to you my dear friend and sister in Messiah! 🙏
Shabbat Shalom!
Thank you, my friend! Amen! Something is definitely up with the money...gotta stay on guard! Thank you for joining me in prayer as well! It's such a blessing to have this community. That's an amazing find, and I'm so glad you shared that fact about the watchman! That's so exciting. I appreciate your insights and thoughts always. God bless!
Hahaha the thumbnail with the magician pepe 😂💯 it's slick.
Q is the perfect psyop to make people trust the government again and that is apart from all the other lies you've been exposing all these years, it makes a lot of sence why they took down your video, they want to keep the deception running at full steam.
I constantly get recruitment ads everywhere, I don't know why. 🤷🏼♂️
I will join you in praying for California, against their evil plans and everyone's well being.
Thank you for your work! I really like the song, this one and the other one's are a beautiful blessing. 😄
God bless everyone! :)
Thank you so much brother! You said it perfectly, a psyop to make folks trust the government again. So sad. That's wild you get recruitment ads! I wonder why and how many others are seeing the same things. Thank you as well for joining me in prayer. It's so powerful when we join together to pray for others and situations. God is so good.
I'm so happy to hear you like the music I've been creating as well. There are so many ways to glorify God and I'm thankful I get to share some of these creative projects with you! God bless you too!
You're welcome sister!
It makes me sad how they delete and ban your videos and at the same time we have evil content go viral and perpetuates ignorance and deception further.
I still get a bit tempted because It was my dream since childhood and brainwashing too of course 😂, Yes it makes you wonder how many others out there see them and don't even know it's all lies and propaganda. It's a good reminder to keep doing our best to reach the lost.
That's so true it makes the difference in ways we can't even begin to comprehend, not to mention the countless blessings we don't see.
As soon as I wake up I love to give thanks to God for not forgetting to wake me up, for me that's the first of many many beautiful blessings during each day.
That's good 😄, so true, it's a wonderful blessing and inspiring to see your fruits for the honor and glory of God.
Thank you for all you do, The Lord be with you always! Glory to the King of Kings! :)
You said it! I couldn't agree more.
Wow, that is tough. I'm thankful God spared you from that life, brother. It's beautiful that you start each day by expressing gratitude to God for the gift of life and the many blessings that follow. Your commitment to using your blessings to honor and glorify God is commendable!!
Thank you for your encouragement and support. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you as we navigate this journey of spreading truth in a world that often seems shrouded in wickedness. All glory to the King of Kings! 🙏✨
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.
Don't worry it's all good, God knows why it happens.
It's truly humbling to see how God's grace can transform each life.
I really try to do my best with the life He borrowed me and I'm happy to share with you all the blessings given to me, all for His glory.
I've learned a lot from you and my beautiful Christian family, it's your commitment too that is very commendable 😄
You're welcome sister! I'm happy to have the opportunity to encourage and support each other, such a beautiful blessing.
Thank you! You said it very well it reminds me of Romans 8:18
Amen! May we always seek His guidance and strength as we spread His truth with love and courage.
I pray that The Lord continues to give you health,strength,guidance and inspiration so that you keep wining souls for His glory.
God bless you sister! :) Hallelujah! our Lord Is more than victorious!
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