Frankly, it appeared very staged to me. Maybe I'm jaded in my thinking by the giant psyop game the great inversion actors are playing on us.

Alexandra, I think your analysis very closely resembles all of the questions I had racing through my mind. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully it will inspire people to critical thinking regarding this momentous event.

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Thank you! I greatly appreciate your thoughts too. I do pray more people come to think critically about the events we’re collectively shown but ultimately I just pray more people turn to Jesus and away from the things of this world! 🙏

God bless and protect you.

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It is baffling to me that people viewed this footage (and I have the clip on extra slow motion so “they” don’t scrub it from the system and tell us we are suffering from the ex post facto Mandela Effect) 🙄, and there was ZERO blood on his hand whatsoever - after he touched his ear.

As we all know, there’s much more than this (let me pose, my shoes, etc.) where 99% of the population should have IMMEDIATELY called their (LIEghtWorldOrder) bluff.

I started to question why no one was asking about the medical team who assisted him. All statements were released from one administrator which seemed curious.

I was relieved to see the following statement.

“It's an understatement to say it's bizarre that a Presidential candidate has sustained an injury from an attempted assassination & no medical report is issued..." Jonathan Reiner, Professor of Medicine/Surgery at GWU. I wholeheartedly agree.

On another note, I follow some other trending YTers exposing great information, and while I disagree with one regarding the Gospel of Grace solely through Jesus (which is my belief), I was STUNNED to hear both VERY POPULAR YTers say….they DID NOT believe this was staged.

Honestly, I truly like both of these channels, and I’m a subscribed member to one of them. I was slack-jawed to hear both state that while they are aware of the Hegelian dialectic games, they thought this was the left trying to take out the right.

I remember a federal Whistleblower saying that both sides plan this circus to sway public reactions at the Bilderberg/Bohemian Grove annual meetings. That makes a ton of sense.

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Thank you for your wonderful insights! I LOVE how you called it the ""LIEghtWorldOrder"- that's brilliant! It's sad to hear that those you subscribe to didn't see there was a staged component to this. I wonder if it's because they're not totally aware of how both sides work together to achieve the goals. They may understand the concept but the application. You're correct with what that whistleblower said. Both sides are planned. The real question is, who is high up enough to know 'the plan'. Real panic sets in for the lower-tier who don't know the whole 'script' of the show they're in. Thank you Jesus we are not part of these systems! Thank you for setting us free!

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I try not to automatically categorize such individuals/channels prematurely because it took me a LONG time to put all of the pieces together.

It takes discernment to distinguish between purposely-manipulating and not-there-yet.

I was very stubborn - but not involved; therefore, anything that was misguided on my part was a part of my journey.

The K-12 indoctrination program causes many of us to hold on to these curricular anchors which doesn’t help with the deprogramming. One must really sanitize their minds of everything they thought they knew - which is an uncomfortable and unpopular precept because it seems counterintuitive in every way.

On another note, I thought you might find the following timeline intriguing.

January, 2020

I posted jaw-dropping docs on FB. I have been deactivated with no appeals or warnings three times, but I have a screenshot of this specific post sharing the corroborative documents.

Relentlessly trying to make sense of the nonsensical involving my own concealed (yet recorded) rape/attempted murder by a high profile Masonic man, I came across a plethora of ominous business filings at the Ohio Secretary of State site where it appeared the cabal/alliance were creating a new Federal Reserve in the same Masonic town as my assaults.

Years prior, I had found many post/tweets speaking to the fact that the “Knights Templar could have never predicted Ohio.” Other information over the past couple of years validated there was something to this. We know of the Z-ism connections to Ohio, the Serpent Mounds, etc.

We also know the corruption is everywhere. All of these principalities play a role - and locations will more than likely have certain headquarters functioning in different leadership roles….DC, London, Vatican, Basel….Ohio.

These documents showed that Jamie Dimon/JP Morgan was orchestrating this Federal Reserve through many pseudo-businesses. There is even one filing noting a trademark of a “KNIGHT SITTING ON THRONE W/ FISTS ON EACH ARM OF THRONE W/ FITE ENTERTAINMENT


Christopher Eric Fite seems like Dimon’s filing pawn. There is the Chase symbol on docs of Fite with the following….

The registered tradename of CHRISTOPHER ERIC FITE LLC (371559) is an official consolidation of each District Federal Reserve Member Branch Bank affiliate. This unregulated banking institution is considered a depositor at JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (2118141); hereinafter ("Chase Bank") that will deem each member branch bank affiliate as

"individual" Customers and Authorized Account and Card users when dealing with Depository Institutions (DI's) for repatriation into domestic United States territory to engage in free trade and commerce and to function state to state with no restrictions for WORLDWIDE secured UCC finance transactions. All secured banking products will bear this registered tradename.

The same is supported by the Copyright Notice and Publisher's Affidavit attached herewith.

Transactions through commercial DI's will secure separate paper products of Loans, Mortgages and Secured Lines of Credit when accompanied with the Registered Trademark/Servicemark of this Tradename as a Certificate of Deposit (CD) for tax free PERSONAL loans borrowed for the erection of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF FITE & CO. HOLDINGS and the collection of interest.

International debit card(s) will be credited with a cash injection of $1M in revolving interest on Accounts Payable (-/+). Adopting a system of reverse financing will create Accounts Receivable (+/-) as a matter of savings. The first and last entry on account ledgers is lawful creation of money (-/-) with a zero (SO) available funds balance in the public. The debit/credit card will offset the above stated credit/debit card account with no beginning or ending balance, except by request of each authorized account and card user listed below in the bank registry.

The Central Index Key account of this registered Tradename will track movements of each

debit/credit card distributed to each account user in the collection of interest for discounted loan repayments on the principal; considered the maturity of the overall value of cancelled debt; factored into the Form D Exempt Offering of Securities.

February, 2020

A FB friend, who is much more well-versed in trust/bond/securities law than I, sees my post/docs and shares it on her YT station. She sends certified complaints using this information to the SEC, US DOJ, etc.

March 5, 2020

Jamie Dimon has a major heart attack.

March 13, 2020

While outspoken in many ways, this FB friend, who sent the aforementioned documentation and continued to create YT videos, was repeatedly pursued by these forces creating fictitious reasons to intimidate her.

Needless to say, SWAT (Masonic police impersonators - see my De Facto Police video on YT) ambushed her home. An officer was allegedly shot by her (not a lot to convince me of this based on public records) as he was seemingly there with a questionable order to unlawfully trespass. She was recently sentenced to 40 years.

March 15, 2020

Ohio is the first state to close for the plandemic.

March 18, 2020

Vincent Fusca, who I had never heard of before - until a friend contacted me that he used my posted information in a tweet, shares….


Does J.P.M own OHIO?

Havana Acts, 5th jurisdiction?

FED using stolen instruments?

BONDS and human trafficking?

GVT seats w SEC numbers?

Treasury stolen? SEC compliant?

Levying War? Act or treason!


Dig for GOLD!

#KnowLAW #KnowLove

Like you’ve shared, it’s evident the LWO will bring in NESARA using the #LoveWins mantra.

As I continue to post and be deplatformed everywhere, including LinkedIn (who gets banned on LinkedIn?! 🙄), I share….

No to NOAHIDE #Law

No to NESARA #Economy

No to NEW AGE #Religion

No to the #NWO.

I’ve lost everything (and I mean everything) in the flesh in this Luciferian world, so I really fear nothing anymore.

I just know I was very stubborn and stuck in the flesh, and it was going to take all of this to get me to see this spiritual warfare and learn about eternal salvation. This is where gratitude comes in… God thought so much of us that He gave His only begotten son so we may not die but have eternal life.

While experiencing self-pity in the flesh, I try to remind myself that He believes we are worthy - despite all of our flaws. I could have gone on trying to battle these flesh forces using my former paradigm of knowledge which would have simply repeatedly recycled the trauma. I had to make a complete shift and exit.

That’s a difficult concept to explain to all of the victims who contact me. They want an immediate answer and relief in the here and now.

I try to explain to them that I am not saying this to be a Bible thumper but to get them to a point to be able to understand that these forces are spiritual, and I don’t say this flippantly… We truly have to APPLY the armor - not just recite it.

I ask them to start with I Samuel 8 to try to comprehend how this is occurring. I have received thousands of emails and calls from all around the world, and it’s heartbreaking.

I am witnessing churches, libraries, community centers, fitness centers, etc. celebrate pagan holidays, PRIDE festivities, meditation (and there are over five practices that are variations of yoga to which I have never even heard masking itself as exercise). They are completely scrubbing the world of Jesus and everything Biblical, and sadly, one of my social groups include approximately 20 women my age who were recently sharing how much they loved yoga. 😢

The itching ears and strong delusion verses are radiating with me a lot right now. 😢

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I love the way you said “it takes discernment to distinguish between purposely-manipulating and not-there-yet.” So true.

Your post gives me chills! Thank God you’re alive and with us and may He protect you always. But what you said about Ohio confirmed a lot for me. A survivor out of Canton Ohio had been exposed to horrific things and I knew the area was heavily controlled by high level Masons but this certainly adds another layer!

The order of events you posted makes so much sense, what a smoking gun! Even the ending of the Fusca tweet: “#KnowLAW #KnowLove” has me shaking my head. How to wake people up to this deception that looks so ‘good’ on the surface? Father please give us the discernment to act as Your instruments in these unprecedented times.

I’m so sorry to hear you’ve even been deplatformed from LinkedIn - it just shows how deep the corruption and censorship goes. It takes so much courage and strength (hello Joshua 1:9) to do the strong thing and know when to leave the fight. The Holy Spirit is strong in you!

This key point is so important: “We truly have to APPLY the armor - not just recite it.” Amen! Daily!

“They are completely scrubbing the world of Jesus and everything Biblical” It feels like this has sped up exponentially in the last 10 years or so and it’s heartbreaking to say the least. Even with yoga, so many are turning to it to gratify the flesh. I’m with you sis, please feel free to let me know how I can pray for you. This fight is anything but easy, but I thank God I’m not alone and have wonderful warriors like you. I’m so thankful for you.

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All prayers are appreciated - and I just wish I could get some of what I had (basics) back to further share the Gospel, but then, I think…I would not have learned all of this had I not lost it.

My Gospel Testimony: https://substack.com/@marylouiseallen/p-81264634

I feel like I could share a lot that might assist people in similarly-situated matters.

I don’t desire to be popular. I just want to be effective. I have declined radio interviews, talk shows, newspapers, etc. Money doesn’t motivate me. In fact, I’ve come to have a strong dislike for it.

I feel as if demonic spirits are always trying to stop any progress I make.

For example, I spent approximately 60 hours on a video that I think would have helped people comprehend their court battles, and my computer crashed. Needless to say, I lost everything.

I think about the one video where you spoke of Ezekiel 8-10, and I can’t help but think…are we there yet?

So many of us put a stranglehold on the earth wanting justice in the flesh that we don’t realize our justice could be so much more in eternity, but that inability to think and hope for that Biblical resolution, sadly, often upsets most.

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I'm wondering if I'm wanting justice in the flesh myself. I'm trying so hard to figure out how to get out of the tax system. This company talks of Revocation of Election: https://www.weissparis.com/q&a.html but at this point in my research I'm not sure who to trust, nor myself. I'm not the smartest with understanding legalese and feel pretty defeated. If you or anyone here has any input it would be a blessing!

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Side note, based on your profile (God bless you for all the work you do and may He protect you for all you've been through), do you happen to know anything about "Conscious Contracting" (Becky Levin) or Gianna Miceli with Inalienable University?

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If I’m thinking about the same thing, I have heard of “conscious contracting.” I’ve spent the past year researching contracts after realizing all McGovernment ops are operating in lex mercatoria #RootOfAllEvil - Satan’s counterfeit system. Like Judge Judy, it’s all about nisi prius consent. Participating is viewed as our consent by these forces. Sadly, people don’t realize this.

As you are already aware, this seems to have been made possible by the Continuity of Government to which most are nescient - yet are still beholden to the patriotic idolatrous McSystem, via taxes and obedience to and compliance with the pseudo-jurisdictional authority.

First thing I noticed when refreshing my “conscious contracting” memory is its encapsulation of stakeholder/inclusive capitalism, which is being promoted by the DWO/Vatican/WEF. It also includes the same business partnerships and lawyers trying to makeshift a moral system with the same players - “let’s place a bandage on a broken bone approach,”but I think you’re referring to Levin’s approach to which I’ll address below.

On that systemic note of contract law, I can’t help but mentally revisit “The Devil’s Advocate”(movie) where Keanu Reeves asks his father, Al Pacino playing Satan, why did you pick attorneys? Satan replies that this is the one profession which has infiltrated all realms of society - which has always been an issue for me because these government officials are, albeit unlawfully, granting themselves unjust powers of indemnification and immunity.

Most people don’t realize - you don’t need to be an attorney to be on the US Supreme Court. Additionally, these legislators are violating the FARA by serving two masters - the BARfia (I made that one up… 😂) and the Crown. The BAR’s CJS (secondary body of law) notes if there is a conflict between their own client and the courts, where everything is operating in commerce, the unwitting client’s needs are to be secondary to the BAR (Vol. 7, Sec. 4).

I was speaking with an Ohio government attorney three years ago, and before we proceeded with the conversation, I queried if he was a BAR attorney. He replied affirmatively, and when I followed up with… Does your oath to the BAR supersede your oath to the Constitution. He paused and replied that he wasn’t going to answer that. I queried further… Why? His response was… I don’t feel comfortable answering that.

Moreover, many public servants are a part of secret societies - so there’s a third conflict. All of these secrets societies’ and private management associations’ (PMA) oaths are conflicting to the Constitutional Republic, which is apparently and curiously not even in effect - but superseding all other oaths.

As you astutely shared in a previous video of the Scripture stating take no oaths, by the time of Christ, the Jews had developed an elaborate system of oath-taking, which often formed the basis of actual lying. And here we are today; it never ceased. Kol Nidre oaths are also playing a large role in this NWO process.

I had not heard of Levin, but when I researched her further, she has the same position as AVR (Jesuit/Planned Parenthood affiliations) and David Straight (Zionist-affiliations) regarding the alternative trajectory of opting out. https://rumble.com/v46pe1r-anna-von-reitz-david-lester-straight-scams-exposed.html People should proceed cautiously in these realms. I know of several who did not know the correct language, and the forces seethed at the opportunity to incarcerate and/or pink slip unwitting victims.

I would guide people towards Cal Washington and InPower for those interested in contracts. https://vimeo.com/231176911 He explains all of these financial realms very well, and his story is like many of ours.

“Christian Remedy in Law” is excellent - and chooses the Scripturally-sound opt out. https://youtu.be/PNSxx8gMfL0?si=cHz2v-EiKr9_7xXL

Regarding Gianna Miceli with Inalienable University…. I always advise victims to say “I have God-granted UNALIENABLE (UN-a-lien-able) rights that can never be waived… not even by me.” We need to stop saying civil/Constitutional rights. That’s how they trap us into their jurisdiction.

There are many who are sharing this knowledge, but another good source is one of my best friends who has been doing this for decades - a former attorney who voluntarily resigned when she realized what the BAR was doing. https://www.facebook.com/1189141328/posts/pfbid0hX4uUVzHfch4f4LoQTX6ZQjUFeX2mAHUjWe9tsohDCHyXnV226PmsnN7SieiHMBDl/?app=fbl She lawfully created her own court as well. Occr2021.com

This is my own public statement regarding opting out: https://youtu.be/8KA8gGpxMog?feature=shared

I’m not sure if this helps at all, but it’s my musings for the day. Thanks for all you do. You truly helped me to try to make sense of my own case. It was a much-needed breaking point for me.

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Thank you for taking the time to research and give me so many solid facts! I love how you called it the McGovernment and the BARfia! That’s brilliant. Good for you for asking those questions to that attorney in Ohio! Eye opening stuff for sure. “And here we are today; it never ceased.” Amen. The lies have never ceased. I can’t wait for Jesus to bring the truth down on this world once and for all.

Thank you so much for these links. I’m reading through your testimony and watching your video. I loved how you pointed out Solomon in your video as well. I appreciate you taking the time to share this information more than you know. I’m new to the understanding of contracts and law, and I appreciate your information more than you know. The IRS is such a monster and I’ve been trying to figure out what to do, and just be left alone by these world institutions who steal from us to fund their evils. Your information and story is so valuable and I’m praying for you my sister!

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Thank you for your response. I got the McGovt idea from your McChurch clip. :)

You’ll like Christian Remedy in Law (Daniel). He comprehends the commingling of the Satanic/Luciferian counterfeit “legal” system and God’s true intended law. He always goes back to Scripture.

I speak about this commingling below, and you’re in the video. :)

We are all being enslaved and aren’t aware of it. There are two of us. The counterfeit is under Capitis Diminutio Maxima #ALLCAPS and our existence by God (upper & lower case). Many of us remove ourselves from the former. Because we have not been made aware of these statuses, these forces say we consent. #ImplicitWaiver #TacitAgreement

I’ll never forget my corrupt judge demanding that I could not report, share, seek counseling, or talk about my recorded rape/attempted murder - or I would be held in contempt - I heard him through Harry Potter secret chamber doors yelling at my attorney saying… She consented, she consented. I had no idea to what he was referring at the time, but I later learned that it was considered by consent when I participated in these de facto fake Judge-Judy jurisdictional proceedings - which was absurd. Under nisi prius, I should have objected to these seized “specialized dockets,” but the attorneys are a part of this oiling-the-tin-man beast system.


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Thank you so much for your response! I'm looking forward to this video. I'll also check out Christian Remedy in Law. It sounds like what I'm really trying to understand and I appreciate your resources more than you know. It's untenable what happened to you, but understandable when you learn just how evil and corrupt the powers-that-should-not-be truly operate! Thank the Lord He is just and promises us justice as well as peace and healing formal those harmed by the evils of this world. Psalm 94 is a favorite! May God continue to watch over and protect you my sis!

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Thanks for this info. I'm self employed and really struggling with knowing that the IRS cannot legally force us to pay taxes for something they can't prove and need help trying to figure out what to do to get out of paying again. I've seen a lot online and really don't want to gamble with something so important. I don't know who to trust or how to get started. I saw that a law firm called Weiss and Paris offers some info but I'd appreciate any advice on what to do to revoke my consent.

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I heard about it a few hours ago and looked into it. The video I found had no sound of gun shots in it. Not even ten minutes later my wife was looking into it, and the same video had some kind of muffled gun shots, and now they all sound like gun shots. My initial observation was the lack of reaction by the crowd when gun shots are supposedly going off. Praise Yah for peace, and insight!

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Fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing that! It certainly seems like we’re in for a confusing time. Keep up the critical thinking and stay vigilant! God bless!

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Oh man, it was my first thought watching the event replay. Professional wrestling. Seemed so staged but yet so many are saying it was an act of God that saved him. I'm not sure I agree with that. Only God knows. My discernment tells me this is all part of the great deception. It's unbelievable the amount of people that are claiming God saved Trump. This is very new still and there's lots to learn from it. The reaction to me today was unnatural and I don't buy it. Lord forgive me if I'm wrong. I'll continue to pray for this country and the world around us. Jesus isn't far away. That's where my hope will always be. Thanks again for your knowledge and insight !

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Thank you for this wonderful perspective. You draw a great parallel between professional wrestling and what happened today. It all did seem too staged to be true, but we will wait and see. I just pray innocent people weren't killed, but sadly as we've seen over the years innocent people do get killed in drills, false flags, or staged events. As you said, let's continue to pray for the folks in our country and around the world! I also love how you said "Jesus isn't far away. That's where my hope will always be." May we all keep our hope fixed on Him! God bless.

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Wow! Agreed, we need to wait and see how it all unfolds. The timing certainly is a bit too perfect, coming on the eve of the Republican convention. It does feel like we're watching a movie, as Q might say.

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Absolutely! The timing is certainly suspicious. It's starting to feel like that part in the 'movie' where 'all hope seems lost' and a big plot twist is coming. I look forward to your insights and opinions as we watch this all unfold together!

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Well, after I posted that comment, I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit that I should be praying for these people, regardless of whether they are being genuine or deceptive. The Bible tells us to pray for those in authority, and to pray for our enemies. I have a hard time with that, but I do try. May the Lord's will be done in this and in all things! Thanks as always, Alexandra, for your ongoing efforts to help us see in the dark.

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You bring up such a great point, the Holy Spirit is never wrong! It can absolutely be hard to do sometimes but again, God's ways are higher than ours and we can't understand things from His perspective, so I'll be joining you in our prayers tonight. God bless.

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Yes, Thank you! 🙏🏽♥️💕 Seems like a seismic event that’s been alluded to for quite some time, points us to be on the lookout for a seismic change. So nice to have opted out of the game and have peace and confidence in Him alone… Makes me so thankful to have subscribed to your posts. Re-listening to your research information to be able to adequately share. Stay prayerfully vigilant.

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Thank you! It is such a blessing to have the peace and confidence that whatever comes we can trust in Jesus Christ. I'm grateful and humbled that you have found value in my videos and posts, and it means a lot to me that you take the time to re-listen and share the information with others. Let's continue to support one another and remain steadfast in our prayers as we navigate the future together! Many blessings to you.

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How did you put this together so quickly?! Thank you for your quick response to the event.

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Postponing cooking dinner and chores haha! But I’m grateful to be able to share my thoughts with others and couldn’t wait to get something out! May God continue to bless and protect you.

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Quite an achievement putting together this post so soon. Great job.

I just kind of shrugged when I saw this pop up in the news. Not that I'm indifferent to (apparent) suffering, but because I'm rather numb after four+ years of being jerked around. My nerves are shot.

For what it's worth, I for one am very suspicious regarding what happened. Before becoming president, Trump was literally an actor from TV. What happened on that stage today struck me as very "WWE," if anyone recalls that bit of history:


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Absolutely! We've all been through so much together but I'm just thankful we have each other to not go through it alone. It's always great to step away from it all regularly. Being out in the fresh air with the Bible, or on a walk talking with God helps put it all in perspective. I love me some Psalm 23 and 94!! and I love how you included that clip - it's true. He was an actor so it's tough to believe any of this full stop. But something about today felt very 'off' on top of it all. Thank you again for sharing your insights.

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And the show goes on…it seems like you can put into words things that are all cluttered into focus exceptionally well,thanks so much again

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It’s a blessing to be able to my research and thoughts together and share! Thank you for your support. God bless!

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"A week to remember." The debate was the beginning of the "dark-to-light" transition so this fits perfectly with a fist in the air. Although we are flesh, we do not war after the flesh...

PSALM 46 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.

5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.

7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

8 Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth.

9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.

10 BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

11 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

Faithful and True is coming soon! MARANATHA!!!

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What a perfect Psalm! Thank you so much for sharing this! God bless you and keep you safe!

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What a time to be living in! We don’t know the time of Christs return but I very much hope it happens in our lifetime. This is not a naive statement, because I know that it will be dreadfully deceitful and confusing and dangers time.

The deception is real and the cards are being played before our very eyes. Christians and so called Christian leaders are now saying that God is protecting Trump indicating that Trump is Gods man. Couldn’t be further from the truth and I hope that our brothers and sisters including myself do not get caught up in the smoke and mirrors.

The hype is real but don’t believe it .

As an observer it’s pretty funny to realize there are now “conspiracy theorist” on both sides! Common line the past couple days is “I’m not a conspiracy theorist but” or people on a certain side saying things like this is staged by trumps camp to get more votes. The amount of info coming in is getting exhausting to be honest. People are more divided than ever. I think l the majority of us have forgotten that this fight is NOT against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil.

Stay safe, and may our Heavenly Father continue to bless you all and your families.

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Thank you for your wonderful insights - I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Jesus for your love and unwavering protection in these growing times of danger and deception. I pray we all are alive to see Him return. What a glorious sight!

Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters to come out of the worldly deceptions and not fall for the pitfalls set out for us by the enemy as well as pray for continued protection from deception and heightened discernment.

It feels like the next phase we’re moving into will be heavy in the spiritual warfare department!

Keep your Armor up, fam!

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An interesting note too is that Elon Musk officially gave Trump his endorsement today. Perhaps an ode to a future event where Neurolink will be used for the miraculous restoration of the wound of the beast in Revelation 13

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I hope we don't see the trump as saint germaine portraits again. I forget which of your videos I saw that in but when this happened it made me think of that. I was going to ask you what you thought about yesterdays events. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Me either! It is crazy how the New Age and some Christians see this man as a Neo-savior. It's an interesting thing to witness and live through for sure. Prayers for those to critically think and see past the facade and turn to Jesus Christ alone!

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Melania's statement mentions a few New Age terms as well. "in this earthy realm" sounded odd, "Dawn is here again", "This morning ascends", and "love transcends" and Alexandra points out "the winds of change has arrived" all sound straight out of an Elizabeth Claire Prophet sermon.

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I noticed this also. Definitely not a coincidence.

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If nothing else, this takes debating Joe Biden off the stage.

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Well, somebody had to help him off the stage! 😉

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Thank you for the encouragement and information.

When I saw the video it reminded me of Revelation 13:3

I will pray for everyone here and for all those affected.

God Bless you all! 🙋🏼‍♂️😄

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It's pretty crazy how they almost wanted it to look that way huh? We truly are living in some strange times. I'm glad you caught that too! God bless you my friend!

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Yes, it's crazy

I agree that we live in strange times, for sure.

Thank you, God bless you too my friend! 😁

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That was one of my first thoughts too. Maybe because that's how most of the "rapture" movies I've seen portray it. Doesn't really fit here, but it certainly feels like a shadow of what's to come.

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Sure you're welcome, Rather thank you for helping the widow... please know I'll be praying for both of you.

Yes, I'm there on the other one too.

I don't watch the olympics I think it has pagan roots, yesterday I saw the turkish shooter memes hahah that was mad.

Wow those are good ones, I hope you have fun and enjoy watching the events.

That's cool.

God bless you my friend! And have a wonderful day! 🙋🏼‍♂️😄

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Jul 17
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Hello John

Sure, you're welcome!

God bless you my friend! 🙋🏼‍♂️😁

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Yes, I’ve been telling my family some of the same things. The audience behind Trump wasn’t acting traumatized. And also in Melania’s letter did you notice there were lots of New Age words being used. It just had a New Age feeling to it. I’m going to read through it a few more times and see what I come up with. 🤔 And while we’re watching this, what else is happening elsewhere?

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Thank you so much! I appreciate you sharing. And those are all such true and important observations. A user called Sparrowtracts actually commented earlier with many of the New Age terms Melania used and they caught some fascinating ones!

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Also, thank you for this article. I’m sharing it.

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Hey Alexandra.

As usual, a great post. I know it was quick to write and thank you for that. Your theory seems to fit this narrative very closely. I have had a difficult time sharing it though with others without wanting them to dive in to your writings and video's completely. That is not an easy ask nowadays, especially with the attention deficit apps on the phones and such today. Diving in is the only way to truly grasp what you are accomplishing. I wish there was an abbreviated version for those that have not been for the ride with you that long. I still love the reprogramming video you shared. It did seem to bring some clarity to the chaos. Until next time. Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!

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Phil 4:4 is fabulous! Thank you for including it. It's very tough indeed to summarize 7+ years of info. I've had others suggest I put 10-minute segments on TikTok in parts (part 1, part 2, etc) and will also think of how to abridge any content without losing the plot 🤔 The cure to dwindling attention spans is to engage with long-form content, like lectures, podcasts, books, etc. So hopefully more and more folks will do a dopamine detox and start digging into long-form info soon as well! Thank you so much for your feedback!

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I remember some of my family giving me odd looks when I was reading "War and Peace" about 30 years ago. One of them even said, "You'd never catch me reading a book like that." To which I thought (but didn't say), "Well, I'd never expect to catch you reading a book like this."

This was pre-Internet, but decades of television had already done half the job of shortening the attention span and generally dulling people's ability to think for themselves.

I always liked that Groucho Marx quote. Something like ... "I find television very educational. Every time someone turns on the set, I go into another room and read a book."

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Is it bad that I laughed at what you wanted to say but didn't? 😂 And it's so interesting to reflect on how, even pre-Internet, the advent of television had already begun shortening attention spans and shaping people's thinking. There's so much to be said about the importance of stepping away from the screens and engaging with good ol' fashioned books (but esp the Bible!!). After all, as Groucho put it, when the TV is on, maybe it's time to pick up a book instead!

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