There’s been many things my sister and I have had to get rid of after we understood generational curses and what “charged items” things like a 32 degree ring that ended up with some family heirloom things. There’s a lot of really good resources on this topic as well as the survival story in the book snatched from the flames by Nathan Reynolds. He also has them on his YT channel. It’s interesting because the Lord used your information to prepare me for a greater understanding and ability to explain the unexplainable. Thank you Lady A I’m praying for you and praise Yahuah for the blessing you are to so many
Not only my walk today but for 2.5 years now. The day after an inconvenient reality dropped. It just so happened that I was severely injured 3 years ago and had an inordinate amount of time to watch everything you posted a dozen or so times each 😂 I share your stuff with people from all walks of life but only the ones I believe are really ready to have their entire reality to be shattered. I raised by parents who truly loved the Lord but both sold into the belief that this country was founded on Christianity and love of country. I tell people now that I’m battling against 15000 hours of compulsory schooling where they literally programmed us before we were old enough to think for ourselves. Renouncing all of the oaths I’ve taken and the pledge of allegiance. It’s a lot when parts of our identities aren’t in Yashua. The dying to the old man is normally a painful process and it really takes a huge amount of humility
Wow! I'm so humbled and grateful to hear how I've been able to be part of your life and sharing these topics with others! I'm sad to hear about your injury and I pray you're doing much better today! I also thank you for using your discernment on who to share my work with. Sadly, that belief is very popular among the older generations so it's hard to blame them because they were heavily indoctrinated without an option to second-guess it. You couldn't have said it better, that dying to the old man takes a huge amount of humility. But thank God for His ability to continue leading us through sanctification if we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His will always!
That comment needs a ❤️ and 🔥 my injury is 90%+ percent healed and had given me lots of time also to learn what things the perfect design needs to heal itself. People joke about me being Dr Jelliott 😂 it’s awesome when you can give people the tools they need from the creation our loving father has given us. The injury in every way has been a blessing although always painful to be in the refiners fire. Those He loves He chastens
Recently, a friend of ours had been through deliverance with tremendous freedom. A few months later their mother was cleaning out her deceased father’s belongings and gave them an old Masonic Bible, complete with Masonic inscriptions and the first part was all about freemasonry. They asked me what to do and I said to burn it. They prayed and then did so. When the book was in the fire, they took pictures in in the photos they captured, there were obvious images of a cobra, a dragon, an owl and other freaky images in the flames. I believe these were demons coming out. It was crazy!
We have often prayed over many homes dedicating art and objects to the Lord Jesus where peace in the house returned. It is a reality. Thank you for this post!
Thank you Jesus for the deliverance of your friend! Those fraternal orders truly are demonic in nature and sounds like you had a first hand experience with that. I'm glad you got rid of that book and no one else ever has to touch it again. It's so important to pray over our homes and everything in it, especially artwork. What we hang on our walls or keep in our homes must align with asking the Father to cover our dwellings with the blood of the Lamb!
Doesn't look like there is a way to reach out directly to you so I'll just post here. I want to apologize for my rude behavior the last time I posted. I didn't mean to be so hostile and disrespectful, especially directly to you. I may not always agree with you but I should just have not said anything at all since my posts were backed by emotion. I hope you can forgive me.
Great article. Amen to all of it. Spiritual warfare is real. I still find it wild that I use to participate in Halloween as a Christian along with my other Christian friends, and that the pastors at our church were so ignorant to this whole side of reality, that demons are still out there etc. life has been so much more peaceful after avoiding these pagan holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween) and also being mindful of the stuff in our home. A little while back the Mrs and I threw away all the stuff gifted to us from evil people from our past, like decorations and clothes etc and it really seemed to make our home feel safer. Like the stuff could have been cursed, or just contaminated by association.
On a similar note have you noticed all these new spooky video games the last couple years? I have a friend who streams and have watched him play sometimes some of these games like phasmaphobia. It seem so sketchy, I bet there are actual demons involved. A few of these games use an active microphone and an internet connection and it just seems like a bad idea lol. I can’t even watch the game play for more than a couple minutes.
I agree! I especially like how you said there is more peace after avoiding pagan holidays. It’s so true! I’m also so glad you were able to get rid of things in your house the Holy Spirit led you to remove. He is so good and knows what’s best for us.
As for video games, I don’t know much about them but I have noticed an uptick in uncanny or unsettling imagery. The games from 20 years ago are nothing like the ones today. It’s like they all focus on shock content or inappropriate things. It’s especially worrying, as you said, there’s that immersive aspect of it with the mics! If the Spirit is telling you not to watch your friend play it’s wise to listen to that! God bless you and protect you in these troubling times!
It is so interesting that you've posted about this now, because recently I felt led, with an urgency, to ask the Holy Spirit if there was anything in my house that I needed to dispose of. And immediately, there were seemingly innocent things that came to mind that I felt like I needed to throw away right then. It sounds so extreme to consider the thought that objects can be unsafe, and most people I know would think that's impossible and that I'm crazy for even considering it, but I've seen things, and learned things about certain relatives, that have opened my eyes otherwise. This year has really been an exercise in become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and learning to respect each prompting more, and I'm so thankful for it!
So thank you so much for sharing this and reminding me to pray over everything I bring into my house. Can I ask an example of what kind of prayers you personally pray over the items you bring into your life? I've been wanting to learn how to pray more intentionally and effectively in this way.
I love how you said “become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit”! That’s so well put. I’m thankful this article came at a good time and I’m glad you’ve been able to let go of some things the Holy Spirit has been showing you! It can definitely be seen as unusual to many but we’re in a spiritual war and I’m thankful for everyone who is praying on these issues and letting God move in their lives!
That’s a great question as well, I pray against any spirits and bind and rebuke them in Jesus’ name. I also pray some of Psalm 91 (91:10) over where I live regularly as well ask asking the Father to show me anything He wants me to remove on a regular basis. Declare your property is covered in the blood of the Lamb.
It’s truly a shame that almost the whole world participates and believe such things,I pray your writings will open some eyes,may the LORD continue to keep and bless you,thank you.
Alexandra, I very much appreciate your articles. I do prefer your calming voice on videos though. Both my parents achieved their Ultimate Rewards in Heaven. My parents, as a hobby. Purchased items to sell. In the closet was a templar uniform. I cut it up and broke the sword and trashed it. I have 5 aluminum 1950"s trees with color lights. I want to get rid of them because of the symbolism but I also want to help others by selling them, Like you. The spiritual battles we face. My Niece has EDS. I have forwarded several videos of yours to my Sister and Niece without any comment from them. I had hoped by sharing with them, we could communicate better. Not the case. Someday perhaps. My profile photo of a Shadow of a Trout or my fun way to display my Faith to others. To open conversations, so people know there is No Shadow of a doubt, I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was put on Unpaid leave for not taking the jab, thus Samuel 18:33
LORD, help us to leave it to You to defend us! Let us not take what belongs to You and seek to repay those who have wronged us! Help us to submit to Your Word and leave our enemies to You! Help us to love our enemies, bless, and do good to them according to Your Word, in Jesus Name!
Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you like the articles and videos, but as you know with EDS, my vocal chord dysfunction is pretty difficult to handle day to day and recording videos is not the best option to take care of my body. I love writing and am so thankful for this platform! That being said, I am slowly but surely working on a new (shorter) video at the moment!
I'm so sorry to hear about your niece and sister, but let's never give up praying for them! God is so powerful and He truly can do all things. It's heartbreaking to hear you were put on leave for advocating for your own health. I pray the Lord blesses you for making that decision! Amen to your last sentences. It's so crucial to leave judgement up to God and learn forgiveness and pray for an increase in the fruit of the Spirit. God bless you!
It amazes me how people are able to look at such violent wicked decorations and pretend it's child's play. The closer I grow to God the harder it is to be around objects, people and places that embrace demonic items. Sadly I feel like the only one in the room who seems to notice how wicked things are around us. Can't wait for next week to be over. These giant skeleton "decorations" that are popular keep making me think of the Nephilm. Creepy!
Thank you! I appreciate you sharing. It’s so true that the Holy Spirit gets unsettled around things that are evil or against God. It can be tough, but it’s a blessing to have that level of discernment. Thank you Jesus for setting us apart! May we also try and show others The Way.
I don’t remember seeing giant skeleton decorations as a kid - very spooky stuff that absolutely just looks like Nephilim everywhere 😭 why anyone would want to mark their house with evil on this holiday is beyond me.
About a decade ago, during a period when I was backsliding from my walk with the Lord, I spent several days in Key West by myself. I got a bit bored and was looking for interesting local attractions to pass the time. Somehow I heard about a famous haunted doll, called Robert the Doll, which was on display in the basement of one of the old civil war era stone forts, and I decided to go take the tour to see it.
The tour guides told lots of stories about people who came to see the doll, but weren't respectful towards it (supposedly it doesn't like having its picture taken). And these people would then have mysterious accidents on their flights home, or they'd get home and find that their house had been robbed while they were vacationing.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but it ended up being a lot of nothing. At least I didn't see or hear or feel anything out of the ordinary. However, I also didn't think it wise to "tempt fate" by doing any of the things they told us not to do. LOL
I don't know for sure if the doll had demonic attachments, but I think it probably did / does. But there could also be a whole lot of good old fashioned con artistry on the part of the doll's "caretakers" as well.
In retrospect, now that the Lord has brought me back from those years of fruitless wandering, I believe that the Holy Spirit was protecting me from experiencing the worst effects of my bad life choices. That was just one small example, but there were many times where I thought I was being thwarted, or simply failing to get what I wanted, but looking back I know that God was protecting me because he wasn't done with me yet.
Amen, thank You Jesus for Your amazing protection of our brother Richard!
That's a wild story about the doll - and you're right, sounds like it's 'caretakers' are the ones rule exploiting it for gain! 'Haunted' or not, I'm glad you were not intrigued at all by it. I'm even more glad to hear about how looking back the Holy Spirit was protecting you from things that could have gone wrong or happened in that time in your life. Thank God for the amazing love of our Father!
Thank you Alexandra for the reminders and encouragement through the current season. I’m always thankful and blessed to receive your articles and look forward to the next. Blessings. Still enjoying the fruits of your research/information that helped me opt out of ‘the Mind Game’ and engage in real life… loving relationship with God and those He has around me. 🥰🤗🙏🏽♥️
Thank you for your kind words! I am so grateful to be a part of your testimony. We have such. powerful and loving Father and I'm always so happy to hear about others who are growing closer and closer to Him. God bless you my friend!
Thanks for all your content. I’ve been a Christian for about a year and came through truther and Q world. Getting into church I was happy to find a community I could relate to…only to find how many have fallen for politics and maybe even worse the New Age movement. It’s my new rabbit hole. It’s frustrating people don’t see it and when I bring it up they get offended or think I’m some stock in the mud. How it all ties into the Great Awakening (Great Deception) is wild. New false Christianity coming to be unified with the other “religions” of the world. Tie in blockchain and it’s really 🤯.
Anyway, thanks again for what you do. Truth matters! Wish more were seeking it. Keep it coming!
(If anyone knows a sound church in the LA area let me know)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! It is a tough place to be in, but you are not alone! So many of us here share very similar sentiments and grieve at the state of modern churches. The New Age movement is so subtle and deceptive it's absolutely heartbreaking to see it infiltrating places that should be the first to discern the false message it promotes. What you said about how it all ties together, especially with blockchain incoming, truly is mind-blowing. We have to be vigilant and keep praying for folks to seek Jesus NOW!
It was taken down! I even had to go to YouTube's "reeducation camp" where I had to answer questions agreeing that the Q movement was a "debunked far-right conspiracy theory". I appealed their removal saying the video is for educational purposes and warns of the danger of the Q movement, but they didn't care. I'm so thankful I have Substack because I don't have to worry about censorship here. YouTube is precarious though since I have 2 strikes on my channel now and if I get one more the entire channel will be removed. I pray God keeps it up as long as He deems necessary and that everyone He wants to find my work on Substack will join here! ^-^
I was on a mission trip in Cuba when a man wanted to give me a statue he had carved. I told tried to refuse but my host insisted that I accept. I took the statue but left it with my host. The next day his entire family was stricken with sickness. I had him pray a cleansing prayer over the statue and his family and destroy the statue. After the prayer they all very quickly got well. The object was Regina cursed.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this experience. Praise Jesus you had the discernment to know what to do and rebuke the evil in that statue. The spiritual realm is very real, but Jesus is always more powerful. It's wonderful to hear you were able to overcome this attack and that everyone was healed quickly!
Hi, Alexandra! This is an off topic comment, but I think I found something remarkable that can really help your chronic condition. I would like to have a private chat with you to share, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
If you haven't, look into something called "DMSO"; there's a substack account called "The Forgotten Side of Medicine" that has written and shared a great deal of information on it, and I myself am researching it's capabilities to try and cure someone very close to me of a particular virus.
God bless you, and thank you for all you do and share with us!
Thank you so much! Sorry for the delay, I must have missed your comment. I appreciate the information and will look into it! God bless you too, my friend.
Hey lady, tomorrow is the big day, or is it? I truly believe Trump will be elected. Obviously for dubious reasons. The division in the propganda is out of control. I'm just wonder if it happen immediately or a slow unraveling until Jan 6. 🤔
Either way, thank you Alexandra for sharing your reresearch. You have made a huge impact in my walk with God and my sasanity while I'm stuck here on Earth.
Thanks for asking! The propaganda surely is out of control. I can see it going both ways, ultimately with Trump winning, regardless of shenanigans that might be pulled.
It means more than you know to hear that I’ve made an impact in your Walk. I can’t express to you how your words of encouragement and support and this wonderful community have helped me in my Walk as well.
Until we graduate to heaven, I’m thankful to have brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage one another along the way!
I want to thank you Alexandra, your articles are always interesting and on point. I second comments here about Nathan Reynolds. His unedited insight offers groundbreaking understanding.
I have been following the Way of the whole bible since finding Rob Skiba, a couple of months after his death and about 4 months after finding your videos. Nathan has these same views, he was part of the Parable of the Vineyard fellowship until it was disgraced. I struggle to listen to Adam Fink (PoV leader) nowadays, he seems to be on a difficult journey.
This understanding of the ancestor worship reminds me of Trey Smith's work. Now he has some very interesting thoughts on ancestor worship. With the understanding of what Nephilim were from Enoch and recent understanding of clown worship it is apparent that all these beings behind the veil will do absolutely anything to manifest in the tangible, not only for the fun of it but as a means of deception and confusion. It's worth considering that Nephilim along with the other spirits in the Scriptures are all around us all the time just waiting for an opportunity. And possession takes myriad of forms.
Then there are specific types of Spirits of anger, deceit, greed, depression, fear etc.
There is so much in the pages of Scripture that we miss due to translation. It's been worth learning the language of the mindset it was written in to see where the true message takes the reader. Recently, the use of identifying the meaning of the original lettering/words has shown me far more than I ever thought was possible.
A hint is the names of these things are translated into animals when Isaiah speaks of the desert/wilderness dwellers, chapters 34 and 35 are under my current investigation. There are Satyrs, Owls, Serpent Dragons, a Prince of Darkness. Even Helel is distorted to be a morning star - hint: Tammuz. There's the Howler - Helel son of the Prince of Darkness, the Hairy Goats - Ayim and the Owl - Lileth attached to these descriptive animal names. I tried sharing this stuff but it seems to be met with either apathy or a cloud of dust.
If Isaiah wrote it for us and the books very title means Salvation of Yah, this is stuff we need to know. Yah's word has been hidden by the scribes/translators for a reason. I highly recommend investing.
PS I've also found demon origin described in the Song of Moses and in the book of Numbers when the Israelites were coming to the Land.
Thank you for your comment! You said this so well, "It's worth considering that Nephilim along with the other spirits in the Scriptures are all around us all the time just waiting for an opportunity. And possession takes myriad of forms." Agreed. and I couldn't;t agree more about learning language structure, words, and wanting to understand the original languages like Hebrew or Greek. That's incredibly important in my opinion to study the origins of the words used to understand the original context. I'm saddened you're met with apathy when sharing these connections, because they are important. I pray more people open their hearts to learning deeper truths of Scripture and be more vigilant against the spiritual warfare we're caught up in each and every day! Keep on trying to share the truth with others.
Thank you for your encouragement. An interesting connection to the desert/wilderness in Isaiah and the names of the spirits/demons in the book of ‘Numbers’ is that Bemdibar/Numbers also translates to B'Midbar/In the Desert/Wilderness. That is still blowing me over.
There’s been many things my sister and I have had to get rid of after we understood generational curses and what “charged items” things like a 32 degree ring that ended up with some family heirloom things. There’s a lot of really good resources on this topic as well as the survival story in the book snatched from the flames by Nathan Reynolds. He also has them on his YT channel. It’s interesting because the Lord used your information to prepare me for a greater understanding and ability to explain the unexplainable. Thank you Lady A I’m praying for you and praise Yahuah for the blessing you are to so many
Wow that’s wonderful you got rid of those items! And thank you for the recommendation of the book and channel!
I’m so thankful to have been useful in your walk today with this article. I appreciate your prayers and you’re in mine as well! God bless you!
Not only my walk today but for 2.5 years now. The day after an inconvenient reality dropped. It just so happened that I was severely injured 3 years ago and had an inordinate amount of time to watch everything you posted a dozen or so times each 😂 I share your stuff with people from all walks of life but only the ones I believe are really ready to have their entire reality to be shattered. I raised by parents who truly loved the Lord but both sold into the belief that this country was founded on Christianity and love of country. I tell people now that I’m battling against 15000 hours of compulsory schooling where they literally programmed us before we were old enough to think for ourselves. Renouncing all of the oaths I’ve taken and the pledge of allegiance. It’s a lot when parts of our identities aren’t in Yashua. The dying to the old man is normally a painful process and it really takes a huge amount of humility
Wow! I'm so humbled and grateful to hear how I've been able to be part of your life and sharing these topics with others! I'm sad to hear about your injury and I pray you're doing much better today! I also thank you for using your discernment on who to share my work with. Sadly, that belief is very popular among the older generations so it's hard to blame them because they were heavily indoctrinated without an option to second-guess it. You couldn't have said it better, that dying to the old man takes a huge amount of humility. But thank God for His ability to continue leading us through sanctification if we listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His will always!
That comment needs a ❤️ and 🔥 my injury is 90%+ percent healed and had given me lots of time also to learn what things the perfect design needs to heal itself. People joke about me being Dr Jelliott 😂 it’s awesome when you can give people the tools they need from the creation our loving father has given us. The injury in every way has been a blessing although always painful to be in the refiners fire. Those He loves He chastens
We love Nathan Reynolds. Amazing testimony.
Maybe I’ll see you on the next premiere (:
Recently, a friend of ours had been through deliverance with tremendous freedom. A few months later their mother was cleaning out her deceased father’s belongings and gave them an old Masonic Bible, complete with Masonic inscriptions and the first part was all about freemasonry. They asked me what to do and I said to burn it. They prayed and then did so. When the book was in the fire, they took pictures in in the photos they captured, there were obvious images of a cobra, a dragon, an owl and other freaky images in the flames. I believe these were demons coming out. It was crazy!
We have often prayed over many homes dedicating art and objects to the Lord Jesus where peace in the house returned. It is a reality. Thank you for this post!
Thank you Jesus for the deliverance of your friend! Those fraternal orders truly are demonic in nature and sounds like you had a first hand experience with that. I'm glad you got rid of that book and no one else ever has to touch it again. It's so important to pray over our homes and everything in it, especially artwork. What we hang on our walls or keep in our homes must align with asking the Father to cover our dwellings with the blood of the Lamb!
Hi Alexandra,
Doesn't look like there is a way to reach out directly to you so I'll just post here. I want to apologize for my rude behavior the last time I posted. I didn't mean to be so hostile and disrespectful, especially directly to you. I may not always agree with you but I should just have not said anything at all since my posts were backed by emotion. I hope you can forgive me.
May The Almighty guide and protect you,
I forgive you my friend! I’m happy to have you here 🥰
I love this thread. Mathew 18 in action ❤️
Great article. Amen to all of it. Spiritual warfare is real. I still find it wild that I use to participate in Halloween as a Christian along with my other Christian friends, and that the pastors at our church were so ignorant to this whole side of reality, that demons are still out there etc. life has been so much more peaceful after avoiding these pagan holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween) and also being mindful of the stuff in our home. A little while back the Mrs and I threw away all the stuff gifted to us from evil people from our past, like decorations and clothes etc and it really seemed to make our home feel safer. Like the stuff could have been cursed, or just contaminated by association.
On a similar note have you noticed all these new spooky video games the last couple years? I have a friend who streams and have watched him play sometimes some of these games like phasmaphobia. It seem so sketchy, I bet there are actual demons involved. A few of these games use an active microphone and an internet connection and it just seems like a bad idea lol. I can’t even watch the game play for more than a couple minutes.
I agree! I especially like how you said there is more peace after avoiding pagan holidays. It’s so true! I’m also so glad you were able to get rid of things in your house the Holy Spirit led you to remove. He is so good and knows what’s best for us.
As for video games, I don’t know much about them but I have noticed an uptick in uncanny or unsettling imagery. The games from 20 years ago are nothing like the ones today. It’s like they all focus on shock content or inappropriate things. It’s especially worrying, as you said, there’s that immersive aspect of it with the mics! If the Spirit is telling you not to watch your friend play it’s wise to listen to that! God bless you and protect you in these troubling times!
It is so interesting that you've posted about this now, because recently I felt led, with an urgency, to ask the Holy Spirit if there was anything in my house that I needed to dispose of. And immediately, there were seemingly innocent things that came to mind that I felt like I needed to throw away right then. It sounds so extreme to consider the thought that objects can be unsafe, and most people I know would think that's impossible and that I'm crazy for even considering it, but I've seen things, and learned things about certain relatives, that have opened my eyes otherwise. This year has really been an exercise in become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and learning to respect each prompting more, and I'm so thankful for it!
So thank you so much for sharing this and reminding me to pray over everything I bring into my house. Can I ask an example of what kind of prayers you personally pray over the items you bring into your life? I've been wanting to learn how to pray more intentionally and effectively in this way.
I love how you said “become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit”! That’s so well put. I’m thankful this article came at a good time and I’m glad you’ve been able to let go of some things the Holy Spirit has been showing you! It can definitely be seen as unusual to many but we’re in a spiritual war and I’m thankful for everyone who is praying on these issues and letting God move in their lives!
That’s a great question as well, I pray against any spirits and bind and rebuke them in Jesus’ name. I also pray some of Psalm 91 (91:10) over where I live regularly as well ask asking the Father to show me anything He wants me to remove on a regular basis. Declare your property is covered in the blood of the Lamb.
Joshua 24:15 is a favorite!
Thank you! This was so helpful.
It’s truly a shame that almost the whole world participates and believe such things,I pray your writings will open some eyes,may the LORD continue to keep and bless you,thank you.
Thank you my friend, and may we all keep on praying for the lost! God bless!
Alexandra, I very much appreciate your articles. I do prefer your calming voice on videos though. Both my parents achieved their Ultimate Rewards in Heaven. My parents, as a hobby. Purchased items to sell. In the closet was a templar uniform. I cut it up and broke the sword and trashed it. I have 5 aluminum 1950"s trees with color lights. I want to get rid of them because of the symbolism but I also want to help others by selling them, Like you. The spiritual battles we face. My Niece has EDS. I have forwarded several videos of yours to my Sister and Niece without any comment from them. I had hoped by sharing with them, we could communicate better. Not the case. Someday perhaps. My profile photo of a Shadow of a Trout or my fun way to display my Faith to others. To open conversations, so people know there is No Shadow of a doubt, I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was put on Unpaid leave for not taking the jab, thus Samuel 18:33
LORD, help us to leave it to You to defend us! Let us not take what belongs to You and seek to repay those who have wronged us! Help us to submit to Your Word and leave our enemies to You! Help us to love our enemies, bless, and do good to them according to Your Word, in Jesus Name!
Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you like the articles and videos, but as you know with EDS, my vocal chord dysfunction is pretty difficult to handle day to day and recording videos is not the best option to take care of my body. I love writing and am so thankful for this platform! That being said, I am slowly but surely working on a new (shorter) video at the moment!
I'm so sorry to hear about your niece and sister, but let's never give up praying for them! God is so powerful and He truly can do all things. It's heartbreaking to hear you were put on leave for advocating for your own health. I pray the Lord blesses you for making that decision! Amen to your last sentences. It's so crucial to leave judgement up to God and learn forgiveness and pray for an increase in the fruit of the Spirit. God bless you!
Spot on. Yet again!!
It amazes me how people are able to look at such violent wicked decorations and pretend it's child's play. The closer I grow to God the harder it is to be around objects, people and places that embrace demonic items. Sadly I feel like the only one in the room who seems to notice how wicked things are around us. Can't wait for next week to be over. These giant skeleton "decorations" that are popular keep making me think of the Nephilm. Creepy!
Thank you! I appreciate you sharing. It’s so true that the Holy Spirit gets unsettled around things that are evil or against God. It can be tough, but it’s a blessing to have that level of discernment. Thank you Jesus for setting us apart! May we also try and show others The Way.
I don’t remember seeing giant skeleton decorations as a kid - very spooky stuff that absolutely just looks like Nephilim everywhere 😭 why anyone would want to mark their house with evil on this holiday is beyond me.
I think of the Nephilim also when I see those. Predictive programming, anyone?
About a decade ago, during a period when I was backsliding from my walk with the Lord, I spent several days in Key West by myself. I got a bit bored and was looking for interesting local attractions to pass the time. Somehow I heard about a famous haunted doll, called Robert the Doll, which was on display in the basement of one of the old civil war era stone forts, and I decided to go take the tour to see it.
The tour guides told lots of stories about people who came to see the doll, but weren't respectful towards it (supposedly it doesn't like having its picture taken). And these people would then have mysterious accidents on their flights home, or they'd get home and find that their house had been robbed while they were vacationing.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but it ended up being a lot of nothing. At least I didn't see or hear or feel anything out of the ordinary. However, I also didn't think it wise to "tempt fate" by doing any of the things they told us not to do. LOL
I don't know for sure if the doll had demonic attachments, but I think it probably did / does. But there could also be a whole lot of good old fashioned con artistry on the part of the doll's "caretakers" as well.
In retrospect, now that the Lord has brought me back from those years of fruitless wandering, I believe that the Holy Spirit was protecting me from experiencing the worst effects of my bad life choices. That was just one small example, but there were many times where I thought I was being thwarted, or simply failing to get what I wanted, but looking back I know that God was protecting me because he wasn't done with me yet.
Amen, thank You Jesus for Your amazing protection of our brother Richard!
That's a wild story about the doll - and you're right, sounds like it's 'caretakers' are the ones rule exploiting it for gain! 'Haunted' or not, I'm glad you were not intrigued at all by it. I'm even more glad to hear about how looking back the Holy Spirit was protecting you from things that could have gone wrong or happened in that time in your life. Thank God for the amazing love of our Father!
Thank you Alexandra for the reminders and encouragement through the current season. I’m always thankful and blessed to receive your articles and look forward to the next. Blessings. Still enjoying the fruits of your research/information that helped me opt out of ‘the Mind Game’ and engage in real life… loving relationship with God and those He has around me. 🥰🤗🙏🏽♥️
Thank you for your kind words! I am so grateful to be a part of your testimony. We have such. powerful and loving Father and I'm always so happy to hear about others who are growing closer and closer to Him. God bless you my friend!
Thanks for all your content. I’ve been a Christian for about a year and came through truther and Q world. Getting into church I was happy to find a community I could relate to…only to find how many have fallen for politics and maybe even worse the New Age movement. It’s my new rabbit hole. It’s frustrating people don’t see it and when I bring it up they get offended or think I’m some stock in the mud. How it all ties into the Great Awakening (Great Deception) is wild. New false Christianity coming to be unified with the other “religions” of the world. Tie in blockchain and it’s really 🤯.
Anyway, thanks again for what you do. Truth matters! Wish more were seeking it. Keep it coming!
(If anyone knows a sound church in the LA area let me know)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! It is a tough place to be in, but you are not alone! So many of us here share very similar sentiments and grieve at the state of modern churches. The New Age movement is so subtle and deceptive it's absolutely heartbreaking to see it infiltrating places that should be the first to discern the false message it promotes. What you said about how it all ties together, especially with blockchain incoming, truly is mind-blowing. We have to be vigilant and keep praying for folks to seek Jesus NOW!
God bless!
Love your content. I tried to send someone Ghosts in the Meme but can’t find it. Was it taken down?
It was taken down! I even had to go to YouTube's "reeducation camp" where I had to answer questions agreeing that the Q movement was a "debunked far-right conspiracy theory". I appealed their removal saying the video is for educational purposes and warns of the danger of the Q movement, but they didn't care. I'm so thankful I have Substack because I don't have to worry about censorship here. YouTube is precarious though since I have 2 strikes on my channel now and if I get one more the entire channel will be removed. I pray God keeps it up as long as He deems necessary and that everyone He wants to find my work on Substack will join here! ^-^
Wow that’s a bummer! It’s such a good video maybe can post on rumble or even bitchute?
Thank you - I'm thinking of ways to get it back out there! For now, you can find it on Odysee:
I was on a mission trip in Cuba when a man wanted to give me a statue he had carved. I told tried to refuse but my host insisted that I accept. I took the statue but left it with my host. The next day his entire family was stricken with sickness. I had him pray a cleansing prayer over the statue and his family and destroy the statue. After the prayer they all very quickly got well. The object was Regina cursed.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this experience. Praise Jesus you had the discernment to know what to do and rebuke the evil in that statue. The spiritual realm is very real, but Jesus is always more powerful. It's wonderful to hear you were able to overcome this attack and that everyone was healed quickly!
Hi, Alexandra! This is an off topic comment, but I think I found something remarkable that can really help your chronic condition. I would like to have a private chat with you to share, but I don't think that's gonna happen.
If you haven't, look into something called "DMSO"; there's a substack account called "The Forgotten Side of Medicine" that has written and shared a great deal of information on it, and I myself am researching it's capabilities to try and cure someone very close to me of a particular virus.
God bless you, and thank you for all you do and share with us!
Thank you so much! Sorry for the delay, I must have missed your comment. I appreciate the information and will look into it! God bless you too, my friend.
Hey lady, tomorrow is the big day, or is it? I truly believe Trump will be elected. Obviously for dubious reasons. The division in the propganda is out of control. I'm just wonder if it happen immediately or a slow unraveling until Jan 6. 🤔
Either way, thank you Alexandra for sharing your reresearch. You have made a huge impact in my walk with God and my sasanity while I'm stuck here on Earth.
Thanks for asking! The propaganda surely is out of control. I can see it going both ways, ultimately with Trump winning, regardless of shenanigans that might be pulled.
It means more than you know to hear that I’ve made an impact in your Walk. I can’t express to you how your words of encouragement and support and this wonderful community have helped me in my Walk as well.
Until we graduate to heaven, I’m thankful to have brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage one another along the way!
I want to thank you Alexandra, your articles are always interesting and on point. I second comments here about Nathan Reynolds. His unedited insight offers groundbreaking understanding.
I have been following the Way of the whole bible since finding Rob Skiba, a couple of months after his death and about 4 months after finding your videos. Nathan has these same views, he was part of the Parable of the Vineyard fellowship until it was disgraced. I struggle to listen to Adam Fink (PoV leader) nowadays, he seems to be on a difficult journey.
This understanding of the ancestor worship reminds me of Trey Smith's work. Now he has some very interesting thoughts on ancestor worship. With the understanding of what Nephilim were from Enoch and recent understanding of clown worship it is apparent that all these beings behind the veil will do absolutely anything to manifest in the tangible, not only for the fun of it but as a means of deception and confusion. It's worth considering that Nephilim along with the other spirits in the Scriptures are all around us all the time just waiting for an opportunity. And possession takes myriad of forms.
Then there are specific types of Spirits of anger, deceit, greed, depression, fear etc.
There is so much in the pages of Scripture that we miss due to translation. It's been worth learning the language of the mindset it was written in to see where the true message takes the reader. Recently, the use of identifying the meaning of the original lettering/words has shown me far more than I ever thought was possible.
A hint is the names of these things are translated into animals when Isaiah speaks of the desert/wilderness dwellers, chapters 34 and 35 are under my current investigation. There are Satyrs, Owls, Serpent Dragons, a Prince of Darkness. Even Helel is distorted to be a morning star - hint: Tammuz. There's the Howler - Helel son of the Prince of Darkness, the Hairy Goats - Ayim and the Owl - Lileth attached to these descriptive animal names. I tried sharing this stuff but it seems to be met with either apathy or a cloud of dust.
If Isaiah wrote it for us and the books very title means Salvation of Yah, this is stuff we need to know. Yah's word has been hidden by the scribes/translators for a reason. I highly recommend investing.
PS I've also found demon origin described in the Song of Moses and in the book of Numbers when the Israelites were coming to the Land.
Thank you for your comment! You said this so well, "It's worth considering that Nephilim along with the other spirits in the Scriptures are all around us all the time just waiting for an opportunity. And possession takes myriad of forms." Agreed. and I couldn't;t agree more about learning language structure, words, and wanting to understand the original languages like Hebrew or Greek. That's incredibly important in my opinion to study the origins of the words used to understand the original context. I'm saddened you're met with apathy when sharing these connections, because they are important. I pray more people open their hearts to learning deeper truths of Scripture and be more vigilant against the spiritual warfare we're caught up in each and every day! Keep on trying to share the truth with others.
Thank you for your encouragement. An interesting connection to the desert/wilderness in Isaiah and the names of the spirits/demons in the book of ‘Numbers’ is that Bemdibar/Numbers also translates to B'Midbar/In the Desert/Wilderness. That is still blowing me over.